Film and Media

Music and Maestros: The Story of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Music and Maestros The Story of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra John K. Sherman None None
Opera for the People Opera for the People Herbert Graf None None
The Biology of Human Starvation: Volume I The Biology of Human Starvation Volume I Ancel Keys, Josef Brozek, Austin Henschel, Olaf Mickelsen and Henry Longstreet Taylor None None
Weekly Newspaper Makeup and Typography Weekly Newspaper Makeup and Typography Thomas F. Barnhart None None
Music Master of the Middle West: The Story of F. Melius Christiansen and the St. Olaf Choir Music Master of the Middle West The Story of F. Melius Christiansen and the St. Olaf Choir Leola Nelson Bergmann None None
The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism The Politics of Bitcoin Software as Right-Wing Extremism David Golumbia 2016 Fall
The first comprehensive account of Bitcoin’s underlying right-wing politics
The Celebrity Persona Pandemic The Celebrity Persona Pandemic P. David Marshall 2016 Fall
Making sense of public identities, online and offline