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Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) predictors of violating probation after felonious crimes
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Tarescavage, A. M., Luna-Jones, L., &amp; Ben-Porath, Y. S. (2014). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) predictors of violating probation after felonious crimes. <i>Psychological Assessment</i>, <i>26</i>(4), 1375&#x2013;1380.</div> </div>
Psychopathology and sexual addiction as correlates of disordered attachment
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Laurent, N. L. (2014). <i>Psychopathology and sexual addiction as correlates of disordered attachment</i> [Master&#x2019;s Thesis]. University of Southern Mississippi.</div> </div>
The MMPI-2 in chronic psychiatric illness
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Bosch, P., Van Luijtelaar, G., Van Den Noort, M., Schenkwald, J., Kueppenbender, N., Lim, S., Egger, J., &amp; Coenen, A. (2014). The MMPI-2 in chronic psychiatric illness. <i>Scandinavian Journal of Psychology</i>, <i>55</i>, 513&#x2013;519.</div> </div>
The first cut is the deepest: Effects of social projection and dialectial bookstrapping on judgmental accuracy
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Krueger, J. I., &amp; Chen, L. J. (2014). The first cut is the deepest: Effects of social projection and dialectial bookstrapping on judgmental accuracy. <i>Social Cognition</i>, <i>32</i>(4), 315&#x2013;336.</div> </div>
MMPI-2 profiles and illness perception in fibromyalgia syndrome: The role of therapeutic excercise as adapted physical activity
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Paolucci, T., Vetrano, M., Zangrando, F., Vulpiani, M. C., Grasso, M. R., Trifoglio, D., Di Franco, M., Iannuccelli, C., Sorgi, M. L., Reis, V., Saraceni, V. M., &amp; Guidetti, L. (2014). MMPI-2 profiles and illness perception in fibromyalgia syndrome: The role of therapeutic excercise as adapted physical activity. <i>Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation</i>.</div> </div>
Implimenting an assessment clinic in a residential PTSD program
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">McDowell, J., McManus, E., &amp; Rodriguez, J. L. (2014). Implimenting an assessment clinic in a residential PTSD program. <i>Behavioral Sciences</i>, <i>4</i>(3), 243&#x2013;264.</div> </div>
The knowledge base for computer-aided diagnosis of mental disorders based on psychometric tests
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Mich, O., Burda, A., Pancerz, K., &amp; Gomula, J. (2014). The knowledge base for computer-aided diagnosis of mental disorders based on psychometric tests. <i>2014 10th International Conference of Digital Technologies</i>, 255&#x2013;261.</div> </div>
Measuring change in psychotherapy using the MMPI-2 and the Holt measure of primary process manifestation
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Toman, K. M. (2014). <i>Measuring change in psychotherapy using the MMPI-2 and the Holt measure of primary process manifestation</i> [PhD Thesis]. University of Tennessee-Knoxville.</div> </div>
MMPI-2-RF characteristics of individuals with interstitial cystitis
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Fazio, R. L., Wunderlich, T., Wilson, N., &amp; Akeson, S. (2014). MMPI-2-RF characteristics of individuals with interstitial cystitis. <i>Journal of Psychosomatic Research</i>, <i>77</i>(5), 359&#x2013;362.</div> </div>
Elucidating the associations between psychopathy, Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory constructs, and externalizing behavior
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Johnson, A. K., Sellbom, M., &amp; Phillips, T. R. (2014). Elucidating the associations between psychopathy, Gray&#x2019;s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory constructs, and externalizing behavior. <i>Personality and Individual Differences</i>, <i>71</i>, 1&#x2013;8.</div> </div>