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Are heritability estimates generalizable? Lack of evidence from cross-sample correlations
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Nicholson, I. R. (1990). Are heritability estimates generalizable? Lack of evidence from cross-sample correlations. <i>Social Biology</i>, <i>37</i>(3&#x2013;4), 147&#x2013;161.</div> </div>
MMPI characteristics of drug abusers with and without histories of suicide attempts
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Craig, R. J., &amp; Olson, R. E. (1990). MMPI characteristics of drug abusers with and without histories of suicide attempts. <i>Journal of Personality Assessment</i>, <i>55</i>(3&#x2013;4), 717&#x2013;728. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, US,&#xA0; http://www.erlbaum.com</div> </div>
The construct validity of an aftereffect-based subtyping system for alcoholics
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Watson, C. G., Tilleskjor, C., &amp; Jacobs, L. (1990). The construct validity of an aftereffect-based subtyping system for alcoholics. <i>Journal of Clinical Psychology</i>, <i>46</i>(4), 507&#x2013;517. http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0021-9762/</div> </div>
Diagnosis of neuroticism with the aid of psychological methods. [Russian]
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Mitskene, V. (1990). Diagnosis of neuroticism with the aid of psychological methods. [Russian]. <i>Zhurnal Nevropatologii I Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S.Korsakova</i>, <i>90</i>(12), 57&#x2013;59.</div> </div>
Present and future issues in psychological testing in the United States
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Merenda, P. F. (1990). Present and future issues in psychological testing in the United States. <i>Evaluacion Psicologica</i>, <i>6</i>(1), 3&#x2013;31.</div> </div>
MMPI profiles of adolescent substance abusers in treatment
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Walfish, S., Massey, R., &amp; Krone, A. (1990). MMPI profiles of adolescent substance abusers in treatment. <i>Adolescence</i>, <i>25</i>(99), 567&#x2013;572.</div> </div>
Characteristics of depressed patients responding to placebos in antidepressant trials. [Spanish]
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Berlanga, C., Ontiveros, M., Junco, G., Esnaurrizar, R., &amp; al., et. (1990). Characteristics of depressed patients responding to placebos in antidepressant trials. [Spanish]. <i>Salud Mental</i>, <i>13</i>(3), 8&#x2013;12.</div> </div>
MPD, borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative study of clinical features
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Fink, D. L., &amp; Golinkoff, M. (1990). MPD, borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative study of clinical features. <i>Dissociation: Progress in the Dissociative Disorders</i>, <i>3</i>(3), 127&#x2013;134.</div> </div>
Low scores on California Psychological Inventory as predictors of psychopathology in alcoholic patients
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Higgins-Lee, C. (1990). Low scores on California Psychological Inventory as predictors of psychopathology in alcoholic patients. <i>Psychological Reports</i>, <i>67</i>(1), 227&#x2013;232.</div> </div>
Depression in homicidal adolescents
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 2; padding-left: 1em; text-indent:-1em;"> <div class="csl-entry">Malmquist, C. P. (1990). Depression in homicidal adolescents. <i>Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry &amp; the Law</i>, <i>18</i>(1), 23&#x2013;36.</div> </div>