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Hot Spotter's Report: Imagining alternate possibilities in a world in which toxicity and exposure are not the exception but the rule.
U.S. Department of Energy radiation hot spot detection equipment utilized at Rocky Flats, Colorado. Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy. BY ...
The history of government surveillance in the U.S.: From the dragnet to Prism
In the 1930s, the dragnet came to refer to the use of radio as the key technology to combat criminal mobility. This image from 1935 is of a radio prog ...
Vignettes: 19th-century brothels and the lost history of prostitution on the Minneapolis riverfront.
Penny A. Petersen is author of Minneapolis Madams, the surprising and riveting account of the Minneapolis red-light district in the late nineteenth ce ...
Prism leak reminds us to be critical of the seemingly essential—but risky—tools we use every day.
BY ULISES A. MEJIAS Assistant professor of communication studies at the State University of New York, College at Oswego If leaked information about ...
Pigeons. Cockroaches. Grasshoppers. Just what is a 'trash animal'?
So-called trash species—including pigeons, gulls, coyotes, carp, and cockroaches, among others—cause wonder as to why some species are admired whi ...
Talk to the (all-star!) hand: A Vacationland supplementary.
One (likely snowy) evening this past April in Minneapolis, a group of local literati gathered at the Turf Club's Clown Lounge to celebrate the launch ...
Joanna Zylinska: Evolution is not all that.
BY JOANNA ZYLINSKA Professor of new media and communications at Goldsmiths, University of London How do things emerge in the world? What is the r ...
On star stuff, 'Science's Unruly Earth Mother,' and the scientific art of empirical rebellion
BY DORION SAGAN Award-winning science writer, editor, and theorist “Every scientific idea passes through three stages,” wrote William Whewell in ...
Railroad wars and the St. Paul Union Depot
'So few Nates, so many, many Davids': Six Feet Under and the return of death to the home
BY RACHAEL HANEL Writer, university administrator, former journalist In the not-so-distant past, death and life co-existed in the home. Home was whe ...