Recent press: Out of the Vinyl Deeps

Anton Törnberg
Petter Törnberg
Massimo Maiocchi
Gilbert B. Tostevin
Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution Beyond the Meme Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution Alan C. Love and William C. Wimsatt, Editors 2019 Spring
Interdisciplinary perspectives on cultural evolution that reject meme theory in favor of a complex understanding of dynamic change over time
Footer - 63552 (copy)
Author Bio - 63719 (copy)
Handle - 63720 (copy)
Catalog - 63721 (copy)
Short - 63752 (copy)
ISBN: 9781517906894 - Library Cloth
ISBN: 9781517906900 - Paperback
Elisabeth von Samsonow
Anita Fricek
Stephen Zepke