Recent press: Out of the Vinyl Deeps

ISBN: 9781452943206 - UPDF
Laruelle: Against the Digital Laruelle Against the Digital Alexander R. Galloway 2014 Fall
Explores the digital as a philosophical concept
Handle - 56793 (copy)
Catalog - 56794 (copy)
Author Bio - 56795 (copy)
TOC - 56953 (copy)
Short - 57058 (copy)
Footer - 57118 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816692132 - Paperback
ISBN: 9781452942889 - Ebook
ISBN: 9781452942872 - UPDF
Adnan Morshed
Impossible Heights: Skyscrapers, Flight, and the Master Builder Impossible Heights Skyscrapers, Flight, and the Master Builder Adnan Morshed 2014 Fall
A rich exploration of the influence of skyscrapers, airplanes, and aerial vision on interwar American visual culture
Handle - 56862 (copy)
Catalog - 56863 (copy)