Recent press: Out of the Vinyl Deeps

ISBN: 9780816679515 - UPDF
Collecting Mexico: Museums, Monuments, and the Creation of National Identity Collecting Mexico Museums, Monuments, and the Creation of National Identity Shelley E. Garrigan 2012 Spring
Considers how public collections on display form powerful ideas of nationalism
TOC - 52453 (copy)
Handle - 52662 (copy)
Catalog - 52663 (copy)
Author Bio - 52664 (copy)
Short - 52799 (copy)
Footer - 52878 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816670925 - Library Cloth
ISBN: 9780816670932 - Paperback
CIFERAE: A Bestiary in Five Fingers CIFERAE A Bestiary in Five Fingers Thomas R.J. Tyler 2012 Spring
A provocative investigation into animals, hands, and human identity in Western philosophy
TOC - 52488 (copy)
Author Bio - 52668 (copy)
Catalog - 52669 (copy)
Handle - 52670 (copy)