Recent press: Out of the Vinyl Deeps

Handle - 52670 (copy)
Short - 52822 (copy)
Footer - 52880 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816665440 - Paperback
Speculative Security: The Politics of Pursuing Terrorist Monies Speculative Security The Politics of Pursuing Terrorist Monies Marieke de Goede 2012 Spring
Does following the money create security or undermine it?
TOC - 52447 (copy)
Handle - 52686 (copy)
Catalog - 52687 (copy)
Author Bio - 52688 (copy)
Short - 52796 (copy)
Footer - 52886 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816675890 - Library Cloth
ISBN: 9780816675906 - Paperback
The Mestizo State: Reading Race in Modern Mexico The Mestizo State Reading Race in Modern Mexico Joshua Lund 2012 Spring
The wide-ranging relations between race and cultural production in modern Mexico
TOC - 52462 (copy)