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Introduction. Rubber Boots Methods: Outline for a Multispecies Study of the Anthropocene

Nils Bubandt, Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, and Rachel Cypher

Part I. Critical Description

1. Walking in Italian Forests and Telling Stories about Global Environmental Change

Andrew S. Mathews

2. Interpreting Dwarf Shrub Patterns in the Lesotho Highlands

Colin Hoag

3. Tracking as Method: Perspectival Sensibilities in a More-than-Human Desert of Tracks

Pierre du Plessis

4. Plants of Internal Colonization: Critical Descriptions of Agrarian Change through Plant Agencies in South India

Daniel Münster

Part II. Curiosity

5. Drip Torch Inquiries: Meta-Questions for Ambiguous Forests

Jon Rasmus Nyquist

6. Tidalectic Ethnography: Snorkeling the Coral Reefs of the Anthropocene

Nils Bubandt

7. Stickiness in a Monsoon Air Methodology

Harshavardhan Bhat

8. Cattle Tracks in the Dust: Riding the Margins of the Anthropocene in the Pampas of Argentina

Rachel Cypher

Part III. Collaboration

9. Marine Hitchhikers and Nested Holobionts: Is the Aquarium Trade Creating Weedy Sponge Invaders?

Joseph Klein, Stine Vestbo, Peter Funch, and Anna Tsing

10. Anthropological Sensations: A High Arctic Travelogue

Kirsten Hastrup, Janne Flora, and Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen

11. Becoming Disturbed in Disturbing Landscapes: Methodology and Epistemology in Anthropocene Wastelands

Meredith Root-Bernstein, Filippo Bertoni, Natalie Forssman, and Katy Overstreet

12. Cholera, Common Ground, and Project Drafts: Messages in a Bottle

Nathalia Brichet

13. Rubber Boots Methods beyond the Field: Transformative Possibilities and Institutional Barriers in University Contexts

Heather Anne Swanson

Afterword. Troubling Methods in the Anthropocene: A Roundtable Discussion

Kirsten Hastrup, Ursula Münster, Anna Tsing, and Nils Bubandt

