Below you will find information on a variety of MMPI training opportunities. Click the links provided for additional details.
The material presented in the books is based on a broad literature that provides the foundations for empirically validated applications of the MMPI-3, MMPI-2-RF, and MMPI-A-RF. The books provide the information necessary for a qualified user to interpret the MMPI-3, MMPI-2-RF, and MMPI-A-RF in the wide range of settings in which the tests are used.
Psychologists may earn continuing education (CE) credits by passing the exam (at least 75% correct). To receive a Continuing Education Certificate for this course, complete the following steps:
1. Select one of the following books to read. Review the course description and learning objectives:
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the course focuses on use of the MMPI-3 in assessments of police and other public safety personnel. The course provides the information necessary for a qualified user to interpret MMPI-3 results in police and public safety settings.
Factors unique to police and public safety candidate selection require adjustments to standard guidelines when interpreting MMPI-3 scores. David M. Corey and Yossef S. Ben-Porath’s latest book broadly focuses on use of the MMPI-3 in both prehire suitability evaluations and posthire fitness-for-duty evaluations of individuals in public safety occupations.
This practical guide was written for clinicians who conduct evaluations of incumbent public safety personnel as well as candidates for law enforcement, correctional, firefighter/medic, or emergency dispatcher positions. The chapters are devoted to foundational and practical knowledge required for conducting these evaluations, including a concise primer on the MMPI-3, common procedural and legal requirements, and contextual factors affecting evaluations. The book also provides case illustrations that demonstrate use of integrative models in preemployment and fitness-for-duty evaluations and includes expanded coverage of the updated MMPI-3 Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR) as well as the newly released Correctional Candidate Interpretive Report (CCIR), Dispatcher Candidate Interpretive Report (DCIR), and Firefighter Candidate Interpretive Report (FCIR).
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to
- Discuss legal considerations in preemployment psychological evaluations
- Describe procedures and best practices in preemployment psychological evaluations of public safety candidates
- Discuss the research literature available to guide use of the MMPI-3 in preemployment psychological and fitness-for-duty evaluations
- Describe the basic elements of the four MMPI-3 Public Safety Candidate Interpretive Reports (PSCIRs): the Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR), the Correctional Candidate Interpretive Report (CCIR), the Dispatcher Candidate Interpretive Report (DCIR), and the Firefighter Candidate Interpretive Report (FCIR)
- Discuss ways to integrate findings from the MMPI-3 PSCIRs with other sources to reach a suitability determination
- Discuss legal considerations in fitness-for-duty evaluations
- Describe procedures and best practices in fitness-for-duty evaluations
- Discuss use of the MMPI-3 in fitness-for-duty evaluations
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the course is based on a broad literature that provides the foundations for empirically validated applications of the MMPI-3. The course provides the information necessary for a qualified user to interpret the MMPI-3 in the wide range of settings in which the test is used.
The book content builds on the psychometric and assessment foundations provided by doctoral-level psychology training programs by providing instruction on how to apply this knowledge when using the MMPI-3. The book-based exam tests attendees’ acquired knowledge of the rationale for and methods used in developing the MMPI-3, the conceptual foundations for using the MMPI-3 to assess for various threats to protocol validity, key features of the MMPI-3 Validity and Substantive Scales, and the recommended approach for developing an integrated MMPI-3 interpretation.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to
- Describe the MMPI-3 background and development process.
- Describe the MMPI-3 normative samples.
- Describe the 52 MMPI-3 scales and the constructs assessed by the MMPI-3 scales.
- Identify basic sources available to guide MMPI-3 administration, scoring, and interpretation.
- Follow the standard procedures for MMPI-3 administration and scoring as described in the MMPI-3 manual.
- Use the MMPI-3 Validity Scales to assess for various threats to protocol validity.
- Interpret MMPI-3 substantive scale scores.
- Interpret MMPI-3 protocols following standard interpretation procedures for the test.
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the book focuses on use of the MMPI-2-RF in assessments of police and other public safety personnel. The book provides the information necessary for a qualified user to interpret MMPI-2-RF results in public safety settings.
The book content builds on the psychometric and assessment foundations provided by doctoral-level psychology training programs and tests examinees’ knowledge by discussing: foundational requirements of preemployment evaluations, special considerations and interpretive guidelines for using the MMPI-2-RF in preemployment assessments of public safety candidates, best practices for use of the MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR), and the recommended approach for developing an integrated MMPI-2-RF interpretation.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to:
- Discuss legal considerations in preemployment psychological evaluations
- Describe procedures and best practices in preemployment psychological evaluations
- Discuss the research literature available to guide use of the MMPI-2-RF in preemployment psychological and fitness for duty evaluations
- Describe the basic elements of the MMPI-2-RF: Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR)
- Discuss ways to integrate MMPI-2-RF Score Report and PCIR findings with other sources to reach a suitability determination
- Discuss legal considerations in fitness-for-duty evaluations
- Describe procedures and best practices in fitness-for-duty evaluations
- Discuss use of the MMPI-2-RF in fitness-for-duty evaluations
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the course is based on a broad literature that provides the foundations for empirically validated applications of the MMPI-2-RF. The course provides the information necessary for a qualified user to interpret the MMPI-2-RF in the wide range of settings in which the test is used.
The book content builds on the psychometric and assessment foundations provided by doctoral-level psychology training programs by providing instruction on how to apply this knowledge when using the MMPI-2-RF. The book-based exam tests attendees’ acquired knowledge of the rationale for and methods used in developing the MMPI-2-RF, the conceptual foundations for using the MMPI-2-RF to assess for various threats to protocol validity, key features of the MMPI-2-RF Validity and Substantive Scales, and the recommended approach for developing an integrated MMPI-2-RF interpretation.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to:
- Discuss the rationale for development of the MMPI-2-RF
- Describe the 51 MMPI-2-RF scales
- Identify basic sources available to guide MMPI-2-RF administration, scoring, and interpretation
- Follow the standard procedures for MMPI-2-RF administration and scoring as described in the MMPI-2-RF manual
- Use MMPI-2-RF Comparison Groups
- Use the MMPI-2-RF Validity Scales to assess for various threats to protocol validity
- Interpret MMPI-2-RF substantive scale scores
- Write an integrative MMPI-2-RF interpretation
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the course is based on illustrative MMPI-A-RF case studies. The course provides a broad overview of the MMPI-A-RF, as well as interpretative strategy. The book focuses on detailed forensic issues, including legal backgrounds, case law, and assessment methods specific to use of the MMPI-A-RF in juvenile court and related settings. It will assist clinicians in understanding MMPI-A-RF interpretation, while also being a valuable teaching tool for courses in assessment.
This book continues the goal of serving as an authentic guide for clinicians in understanding and using the MMPI-A-RF. The interpretive model described in this book demonstrates how the MMPI-A-RF can assist clinicians in assessing youth today by highlighting sixteen cases that broadly represent adolescents evaluated in clinical and forensic practice.
In addition, one of the most common uses for the MMPI-A-RF is in the juvenile court setting. Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF focuses on detailed forensic issues, including legal backgrounds, case law, and assessment methods specific to use of the MMPI-A-RF in juvenile court and related settings.
The book-based exam tests examinees’ acquired knowledge of the basic foundations of the MMPI-A-RF, the foundations for using the instrument in clinical and forensic settings, and specific applications of the instrument.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to
- Discuss the rationale for development of the MMPI-A-RF.
- Optimally use the MMPI-A-RF scales, including the Validity Scales.
- Develop a comprehensive interpretation strategy for the MMPI-A-RF.
- Explain various uses of the MMPI-A-RF in clinical settings.
- Understand how the MMPI-A-RF can assist in juvenile forensic evaluations.
DESCRIPTION: The material presented in the course is based on forensic applications of the MMPI-2-RF. The course provides a broad overview of the MMPI-2-RF, including interpretative strategy and review of the Validity Scales, as well as general uses of the instrument in forensic settings. The book covers the most common forensic applications of the instrument. In doing so, the book provides a brief overview of the various psycho-legal issues and addresses how the MMPI-2-RF can be incorporated into forensic psychological evaluations.
The book content builds on the general foundations of the MMPI-2-RF through specific case analyses involving the most common psycho-legal questions (e.g., competency to stand trial, child custody). Each chapter includes a case study with a full MMPI-2-RF profile illustrating the interpretation and integration of test data into clinical and diagnostic impressions and generating forensic opinions.
The book-based exam tests examinees’ acquired knowledge of the basic foundations of the MMPI-2-RF, the foundations for using the instrument in forensic settings, and specific applications of the instrument across specific forensic settings.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After taking this course you will be able to
- Discuss the rationale for development of the MMPI-2-RF.
- Discuss the rationale for using the MMPI-2-RF in forensic settings.
- Explain how the MMPI-2-RF meets various criteria for admissibility in court proceedings.
- Interpret the Validity Scales of the MMPI-2-RF to assess response bias.
- Explain various uses of the MMPI-2-RF in criminal and civil forensic settings.
Special offer! When ordering your copy of one of these books, enter promotion code BOOKEXAM24 at checkout to receive 20% off. Regular shipping rates apply.
2. Take the relevant book-based exam, linked below. Respond to all learning assessment questions. You must have at least 75% correct to receive CE credit. If you do not receive a score of 75%, you will receive a link to take the exam a second time.
APA also asks that you complete an honor statement. Type your name into the section at the end of each learning assessment, indicating that the answers have been provided by you alone.
41 correct answers out of 54 needed to receive CE credit.
43 correct answers out of 57 needed to receive CE credit.
41 correct answers out of 54 needed to receive CE credit.
41 correct answers out of 54 needed to receive CE credit.
38 correct answers out of 50 needed to receive CE credit.
38 correct answers out of 50 needed to receive CE credit.
3. Submit billing information and complete optional CE course survey. Once you have received a passing score on the exam, you will be emailed a link to submit your billing details and complete the survey. The billing information is required in order to issue an APA Continuing Education certificate.
4. Pay invoice to receive CE certificate. Once submitted, you will be issued an invoice from the University of Minnesota Press. Once the invoice is paid online with a credit card, you will be sent your APA CE certificate within 5-7 business days.
If you have any questions about Training opportunities, please contact the Test Division at
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- Yossef Ben-Porath, David Corey, Martin Sellbom, and Dustin Wygant are all paid consultants to the MMPI publisher, the University of Minnesota, and distributor, Pearson.
- As coauthor of the MMPI-3, MMPI-2-RF, and MMPI-A-RF, Dr. Ben-Porath receives royalties on sales of the tests.
- Drs. Corey and Ben-Porath receive royalties on the sales of the MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report and MMPI-3 Public Safety Candidate Interpretive Reports.
- Drs. Sellbom and Wygant both receive funding from the Press for research support.
The University of Minnesota Press Test Division is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The University of Minnesota Press Test Division maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The University of Minnesota Press Test Division provides continuing education programs focused on the MMPI and MPQ for psychologists and other mental health professionals, including in-person and virtual training, a research symposium, and book-based exams for titles published by the University of Minnesota Press.
Live or pre-recorded, virtual presentations on a variety of MMPI topics. To register for MMPI-3 webinars or online workshops, click here. To register online for MMPI-A-RF offerings, click here.
Introductory training:
- MMPI-3 Overview (Recording)
- Introduction to the MMPI-3 (On-Demand Workshop | 7 CEs)
- Use of MMPI-3 Comparison Groups Webinar (Recording)
- Use of the MMPI-3 in Forensic Settings (Recording)
- MMPI-3 Public Safety Candidate Interpretive Reports Overview (Recording)
- The U.S. Spanish-Language Translation of the MMPI-3: An Overview (Recording)
- MMPI-A-RF: Basic Overview (Recording)
- MMPI-A-RF: Advanced Interpretation (Recording)
Advanced topics:
- Advanced MMPI-3 Validity Scale Interpretation (On-Demand Workshop | 3 CEs)
- Use of the MMPI-3 in Public Safety Settings (On-Demand Workshop | 3 CEs)
- Diversity-Sensitive Assessment With the MMPI-3 (On-Demand Workshop | 3 CEs)