Research and Product Development

2025–2026 Request for Proposal (U of M Fiscal Year 26)
Research and Product Development on the MMPI & MPQ Instruments

The Press invites proposals from nonstudent investigators for research and development on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) instruments.

The Press seeks applications that consider the enrollment of people/persons of color or communities of color and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning, and asexual (LGBTIQA+) individuals toward the goal of increasing generalization of results and improving assessment of diverse individuals and/or groups, especially as they relate to the research and product development priorities listed below. Additionally, the Press seeks applications from people/persons of color and LGBTIQA+ principal investigators as well as projects that include diverse individuals on their research team.

Only one proposal per investigator will be considered unless the Press has expressly invited specific proposals for product development.


Priority will be given to studies that:

  • focus on assessment of historically marginalized or underrepresented racial, ethnic, and gender populations using the MMPI-3 and the MMPI-A-RF
  • focus on the U.S. Spanish-language translations of the MMPI-3 and the MMPI-A-RF
  • focus on use of the MMPI-3 with active-duty and veteran military personnel; assessment of psychiatric inpatients; predict outcomes in employment screening; examine MMPI-3 use in various forensic assessments (e.g., trial competency, criminal responsibility, risk assessment, personal injury/disability assessments, family court applications such as child custody and parental fitness evaluations); assessment of response bias in various settings; treatment planning or outcome prediction in mental health or medical settings; assessment of personality disorders; mapping MMPI-3 onto contemporary models of psychopathology and personality.
  • validate the MMPI-A-RF in a variety of settings and with various criterion measures. In addition to replicating the findings reported in the MMPI-A-RF manual (psychiatric inpatient, residential treatment, and forensic settings) with similar or expanded criterion measures, data should be collected in medical, neuropsychological, outpatient mental health, and school settings. Archival data studies with adequate criterion measures will also be considered.
  • use the MPQ to address test use with preemployment screening of public safety personnel as well as other applications of the instrument.

These have been identified as research priorities. However, we do not wish to discourage the submission of proposals in other areas of MMPI-3, MMPI-A-RF, and MPQ research that investigators have an interest in exploring.


The Press invites proposals for:

  • further validation of the U.S. Spanish-language translation of the MMPI-3
  • development of the MMPI-3 product line, including addition of comparison groups representing use of the MMPI-3 in a broad range of settings
  • further development of the MPQ test product line, including addition of comparison groups representing use of the MPQ in a broad range of settings
  • future development of the adolescent version of the MMPI


Requests should be submitted using the attached forms:

In completing the forms, please provide thorough and detailed responses. Requests will be formally reviewed by the Test Division’s Advisory Board as to the quality of the proposal and the importance of the proposed research/development. The advisors will be asked to comment on the strengths and/or weaknesses of new proposals and on the progress reported on requests for renewal funding of previously supported research.

Please submit requests using the above downloadable forms to Katie Nickerson, Test Division Manager, at no later than Friday, April 18, 2025.


If you received funding in 2024-2025 from the Press, please submit progress and expenditure reports using the downloadable forms found below to Katie Nickerson, Test Division Manager, at Note that progress reports must be received before funding requests for 2025/2026 are considered.