The University of Minnesota Press invited MMPI-2-RF co-authors Auke Tellegen, PhD and Yossef Ben-Porath, PhD to have a videotaped “conversation” about the test in the context of the development of all the MMPI instruments, which was filmed at Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) in St. Paul, Minnesota in March 2016. Beginning with the original MMPI, authors Tellegen and Ben-Porath discuss the rationale for developing the tests and describe the major features of each. Informal professional biographies of Auke Tellegen and Starke Hathaway, whom author Tellegen knew well, are offered through lively anecdote by Professor Tellegen. The authors conclude their conversation by looking to the future of the MMPI and personality assessment, in general.
To download the videos from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, visit: https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/185207
To stream the videos from the University of Minnesota UMedia Archives Department, visit: https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/taxonomy/term/957
TITLE: A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen
AUTHORS: Yossef S. Ben Porath and Auke Tellegen
Part 1: Introduction and Auke Tellegen’s Background
Part 2: Starke Hathaway: Author of the Original MMPI
Part 3: Restandardizing the MMPI
Part 4: The Clinical Scales and Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales
Part 5: MMPI-2-RF Development
Part 6: Further Development of the MMPI Instruments
Part 7: A Test of Normal Personality (MPQ) and the MMPI-2-RF
Ben-Porath, Y. S. and Tellegen, A. (2016). A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/taxonomy/term/957.