The Test Division of the University of Minnesota Press
The Test Division research and product development program is focused on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) with Pearson Assessments serving as product distributor. The Test Division also facilitates the adaptation, validation, and standardization of test translations in partnership with international publishing groups.
The University of Minnesota Press Test Division Advisory Board is composed of five or six members who are researchers and/or clinical practitioners credentialed in personality assessment and knowledgeable in the application and interpretation of personality instruments, including the MMPI tests. They serve a three-year term, with reappointment possible, and elect a chair from their membership.
The University of Minnesota Press Advisory Board’s responsibilities are to:
- Work with the Test Division in setting research/development priorities, recommending activities that will support improvements in the instruments that are designed to increase their utility and expand their scope
- Advise the Test Division regarding the preparation and dissemination of requests for research/development proposals;
- Review proposals submitted to the Test Division annually for its research / development program on all tests the Press publishes (the MMPI-3, MMPI-2-RF, MMPI-2, MMPI-A-RF, MMPI-A, and MPQ) as well as those in development and recommend the proposals to be funded.
- Review all proposed publications of the Test Division, including new instruments and major revisions of existing ones, products derived from the tests, as well as monographs reporting research on them. This may involve reviewing evaluations by ad hoc consultants whose expertise may be needed given the varied nature of the publications.
Meet our Advisory Board:

Joye Anestis, PhD, Rutgers University School of Public Health
Dr. Joye Anestis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Behavior, Society, & Policy at the Rutgers University School of Public Health. A licensed clinical psychologist, she is also a member of the training committee for the Rutgers University Behavioral Healthcare pre-doctoral psychology internship program (APA-accredited), where she provides therapy and assessment supervision and training for psychology residents. Prior to joining the faculty at Rutgers, Dr. Anestis was an Associate Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi, where she served as Director of Clinical Training and Externship Coordinator for the clinical psychology PhD program and received a Nina Bell Suggs Endowed Professorship. Dr. Anestis has authored numerous publications on the MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 and has been the recipient of four grants from the University of Minnesota Press to support MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 research projects. Her research expertise includes psychological assessment, psychopathy and other externalizing traits and behaviors, access to and outcomes of mental health interventions, and suicide risk assessment and prevention. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Personality Assessment.

Jacobus Donders, PhD, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
Dr. Jacobus Donders is the Chief Psychologist at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI. He is board-certified in Clinical Neuropsychology as well as Rehabilitation Psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology. In addition to being an active clinical practitioner, he has served on multiple editorial and executive boards, has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, and has edited or co-edited six textbooks. Dr. Donders is a current associate editor of the journals Child Neuropsychology and Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. He is completing his term as secretary of the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and of the National Academy of Neuropsychology.

Roger Gervais, PhD, Neurobehavioural Associates
Roger Gervais, Ph.D., ABPP (CP) maintains a busy clinical psychology practice assessing workplace/personal injury and medical disability claimants. He is actively involved in clinical research, with a particular interest in the assessment of symptom validity and performance validity. He has contributed to numerous peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and presentations on the use of the MMPI-2, MMPI-2-RF, and MMPI-3 in psychological disability claims. He collaborated in the development and validation of the Word Memory Test (WMT), Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT), Nonverbal Medical Symptom Validity Test (NV-MSVT), and Memory Complaints Inventory (MCI), and has conducted field data collection for several psychological tests including the MMPI-3. Dr. Gervais is an adjunct academic colleague with the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. Other professional contributions include serving on the editorial board of The Clinical Neuropsychologist and with the Council of the College of Alberta Psychologists.
Kyunghee Han, PhD, Central Michigan University
Dr. Kyunghee Han is Professor of Psychology and Director of Experimental Psychology at Central Michigan University. Her research interests can be divided into two areas: general psychometric scale validation research and cross-cultural research on personality and psychopathology. Cross-cultural research includes: (a) standardization of the Korean MMPI-2, MMPI-A, MMPI-2-RF, MMPI-A-RF, and MMPI-3; (b) examining validity of MMPI scales in Korean populations; and (c) evaluating measurement equivalence of MMPI scales between U.S. and Korean normative and clinical samples. She teaches a range of statistics courses, including elementary statistics, multiple regression, and multivariate statistics. She served on the editorial board of Psychological Assessment.
Jerry Sweet, PhD, NorthShore University HealthSystem
Jerry Sweet, Ph.D., ABPP, has practiced clinical neuropsychology for more than four decades, with 34 of those years in the academic medical system currently called NorthShore University HealthSystem. At NorthShore, Dr. Sweet held administrative positions of Department Vice Chair and Psychology Division Head, and has been integrally involved in the significant growth of behavioral health services in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is now on the Emeritus Staff. Teaching and training, clinical research, and involvement in local and national professional activities have been persistent activities throughout his career. Over the decades, he has supervised numerous psychology practicum students, interns, and postdoctoral residents. Dr. Sweet received the 2019 Award for Distinguished Service and Contributions to the American Board of Professional Psychology, the 2016 Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Neuropsychology Award from the National Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, and the 2011 Distinguished Neuropsychologist of the Year Award from the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. Dr. Sweet has made a number of scholarly contributions related to clinical practice and assessment in particular, including books, numerous book chapters, more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, and more than 160 contributions to professional conferences. Dr. Sweet has served on 13 editorial boards of peer-review journals, among these as co-editor and subsequently the first editor-in-chief of The Clinical Neuropsychologist, the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology.
AI Usage
As publisher of the MMPI and MPQ instruments, the University of Minnesota Press does not authorize the development of scoring algorithms or the development of independent scoring systems derived from copyrighted scoring keys and other copyrighted content found in MMPI and MPQ manuals for administration, scoring, and interpretation, including through the use of AI technology.
Interpretive statements generated by AI models may deviate from interpretive guidelines found in the test manuals, are not subject to quality assurance, and can consequently include misleading information. The MMPI and MPQ items are copyrighted to the Regents of the University of Minnesota with all rights reserved.
Remote Administration
Guidance for remote administration of the MMPI and MPQ instruments
Katie Nickerson
Test Division Manager
University of Minnesota Press
Phone: 612-301-1989
Alicia Gomez
Product Development Editor, Test Division
University of Minnesota Press
Phone: 612-301-4821
Mainhia Moua
Editorial Assistant, Test Division
University of Minnesota Press
Phone: 612-301-2972