Special sale: Visual Studies and the Archive

Books are 30% off when you order using code MN92270. Offer expires Feb. 1, 2025.


Jessica D. Brier

A Nation Takes Place

Tia-Simone Gardner, Shana M. griffin

This Is Not My World

Adair Rounthwaite

Viral Cultures

Marika Cifor


Bert Winther-Tamaki

Documents of Doubt

Heather Diack

Pictures of Longing

Sigrid Lien, Barbara Sjoholm

The Undocumented Everyday

Rebecca M. Schreiber

Savage Preservation

Brian Hochman

Agitating Images

Craig Campbell

Civil Rights Childhood

Katharine Capshaw

Picturing the Cosmos

Elizabeth A. Kessler

On Writing with Photography

Karen Beckman, Liliane Weissberg

Through Amateur Eyes

Frances Guerin

Diane Arbus’s 1960s

Frederick Gross

Developing Animals

Matthew Brower

Everyone Had Cameras

Richard Steven Street

National Camera

Roberto Tejada