Politics and Law / International Relations
Showing results 1-15 of 73
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Drama of Democracy
Political Representation in Mumbai
Assembly by Design
The United Nations and Its Global Interior
Revenant Ecologies
Defying the Violence of Extinction and Conservation
Nonhuman Humanitarians
Animal Interventions in Global Politics
The Quiet Violence of Empire
How USAID Waged Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
Meaningless Citizenship
Iraqi Refugees and the Welfare State
Fearing the Immigrant
Racialization and Urban Policy in Toronto
The Common Camp
Architecture of Power and Resistance in Israel–Palestine
Commodities of Care
The Business of HIV Testing in China
The Global Shelter Imaginary
Ikea Humanitarianism and Rightless Relief
Batman Saves the Congo
How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development
The Death of Asylum
Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago
Fair Trade Rebels
Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas