Native and Indigenous Studies / Literary Criticism
Showing results 1-15 of 22
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The Colonial Construction of Indian Country
Native American Literatures and Federal Indian Law
Natives against Nativism
Antiracism and Indigenous Critique in Postcolonial France
The Silence of the Miskito Prince
How Cultural Dialogue Was Colonized
Written by the Body
Gender Expansiveness and Indigenous Non-Cis Masculinities
Le Maya Q’atzij/Our Maya Word
Poetics of Resistance in Guatemala
Translated Nation
Rewriting the Dakhóta Oyáte
Voices of Fire
Reweaving the Literary Lei of Pele and Hi'iaka
The Primitive, the Aesthetic, and the Savage
An Enlightenment Problematic
Creole Indigeneity
Between Myth and Nation in the Caribbean
The Red Land to the South
American Indian Writers and Indigenous Mexico
Methodologies for Global Native Literary Studies
Erotics of Sovereignty
Queer Native Writing in the Era of Self-Determination
Once Were Pacific
Maori Connections to Oceania