Native and Indigenous Studies / Critical Indigenous Studies
Showing results 1-14 of 14
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Allotment Stories
Indigenous Land Relations under Settler Siege
Talkin' Up to the White Woman
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Hungry Listening
Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies
Queering Colonial Natal
Indigeneity and the Violence of Belonging in Southern Africa
The Fourth World
An Indian Reality
Being Together in Place
Indigenous Coexistence in a More Than Human World
The World and All the Things upon It
Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration
Our Own Image
A Story of a Maori Filmmaker
Roots of Our Renewal
Ethnobotany and Cherokee Environmental Governance
The White Possessive
Property, Power, and Indigenous Sovereignty
Red Skin, White Masks
Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition
Settler Common Sense
Queerness and Everyday Colonialism in the American Renaissance
A Chosen People, a Promised Land
Mormonism and Race in Hawai’i
The Transit of Empire
Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism