Minnesota and the Upper Midwest / History
Showing results 1-15 of 114
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Twenty Days in 1970 When Minneapolis Teachers Broke the Law
Gentlemen of the Woods
Manhood, Myth, and the American Lumberjack
Art and Artifact
Murals from the Minneapolis Uprising
Grace & Grit
A History of Ballet in Minnesota
The King of Skid Row
John Bacich and the Twilight Years of Old Minneapolis
Blood in the Tracks
The Minnesota Musicians behind Dylan's Masterpiece
Too Much Sea for Their Decks
Shipwrecks of Minnesota's North Shore and Isle Royale
Town Ball
The Glory Days of Minnesota Amateur Baseball
History of a Home
Making the Carry
The Lives of John and Tchi-Ki-Wis Linklater
Break Point
Two Minnesota Athletes and the Road to Title IX
Not the Camilla We Knew
One Woman's Life from Small-town America to the Symbionese Liberation Army
A Natural Curiosity
The Story of the Bell Museum
The Dylan Tapes
Friends, Players, and Lovers Talkin’ Early Bob Dylan
Winter's Children
A Celebration of Nordic Skiing