Gender and Sexuality / History
Showing results 1-15 of 48
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Good Pictures Are a Strong Weapon
Laura Gilpin, Queerness, and Navajo Sovereignty
In Visible Archives
Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s
South American Journals
January–July 1960
Iron Curtain Journals
January–May 1965
Exceptionally Queer
Mormon Peculiarity and U.S. Nationalism
Commodities of Care
The Business of HIV Testing in China
Why We Lost the Sex Wars
Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era
The Wedding Heard 'Round the World
America's First Gay Marriage
Archives of Infamy
Foucault on State Power in the Lives of Ordinary Citizens
The Right to Be Out
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in America's Public Schools, Second Edition
Gay, Inc.
The Nonprofitization of Queer Politics
Lewd Looks
American Sexploitation Cinema in the 1960s
So Famous and So Gay
The Fabulous Potency of Truman Capote and Gertrude Stein
Living Cargo
How Black Britain Performs Its Past