Gender and Sexuality / Feminist and Women’s Studies
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In Visible Archives
Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s
Break Point
Two Minnesota Athletes and the Road to Title IX
Not the Camilla We Knew
One Woman's Life from Small-town America to the Symbionese Liberation Army
Castoffs of Capital
Work and Love among Garment Workers in Bangladesh
Webbed Connectivities
The Imperial Sociology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Hudson Bay Bound
Two Women, One Dog, Two Thousand Miles to the Arctic
Talkin' Up to the White Woman
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Visibility Interrupted
Rural Queer Life and the Politics of Unbecoming
Skiing into the Bright Open
My Solo Journey to the South Pole
The Black Reproductive
Unfree Labor and Insurgent Motherhood
Adrienne Rich’s Expanding Solitudes
Why We Lost the Sex Wars
Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era
Arrested Welcome
Hospitality in Contemporary Art
What a Library Means to a Woman
Edith Wharton and the Will to Collect Books