Economics / Political Economy
Showing results 1-14 of 14
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Refining Canadian Oil through Social Media
Urbanism without Guarantees
The Everyday Life of a Gentrifying West Side Neighborhood
When the Hills Are Gone
Frac Sand Mining and the Struggle for Community
The Servant Class City
Urban Revitalization versus the Working Poor in San Diego
Diving into the Wealth of Food Waste in America
Taconite Dreams
The Struggle to Sustain Mining on Minnesota’s Iron Range, 1915-2000
Fast Policy
Experimental Statecraft at the Thresholds of Neoliberalism
Debt to Society
Accounting for Life under Capitalism
America Town
Building the Outposts of Empire
Unraveling the Garment Industry
Transnational Organizing and Women’s Work
India’s New Middle Class
Democratic Politics in an Era of Economic Reform
A Thousand Plateaus
Capitalism and Schizophrenia