Childhood Studies / Literature and Media
Showing results 1-15 of 16
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The Digital Is Kid Stuff
Making Creative Laborers for a Precarious Economy
Pipers at the Gates of Dawn
The Wisdom of Children's Literature
The Rise of Children's Fantasy Literature in the Twentieth Century
Playing with the Book
Victorian Movable Picture Books and the Child Reader
The ABC of It
Why Children’s Books Matter
Wild Child
Intensive Parenting and Posthumanist Ethics
Youth Media Matters
Participatory Cultures and Literacies in Education
Tales of Wonder
Retelling Fairy Tales through Picture Postcards
Who Writes for Black Children?
African American Children’s Literature before 1900
The Child to Come
Life after the Human Catastrophe
Our Gang
A Racial History of The Little Rascals
Civil Rights Childhood
Picturing Liberation in African American Photobooks
Freud in Oz
At the Intersections of Psychoanalysis and Children’s Literature
Suspended Animation
Children’s Picture Books and the Fairy Tale of Modernity
Making American Boys
Boyology and the Feral Tale