Art and Performance / Visual Culture
Showing results 1-15 of 162
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Good Pictures Are a Strong Weapon
Laura Gilpin, Queerness, and Navajo Sovereignty
Amalia Mesa-Bains
Rituals of Memory, Migration, and Cultural Space
A Nation Takes Place
Navigating Race and Water in Contemporary Art
Microbial Resolution
Visualization and Security in the War against Emerging Microbes
Cinematic Archives at the End of the World
Tove Jansson
Life, Art, Words
The Harlequin Eaters
From Food Scraps to Modernism in Nineteenth-Century France
Anime's Knowledge Cultures
Geek, Otaku, Zhai
Producing Sovereignty
The Rise of Indigenous Media in Canada
Horror in Architecture
The Reanimated Edition
In Visible Archives
Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s
Asians on Demand
Mediating Race in Video Art and Activism
Nothing Permanent
Modern Architecture in California
Operational Images
From the Visual to the Invisual