Art and Performance / Theater and Performance
Showing results 1-15 of 86
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This Is Not My World
Art and Public Space in Socialist Zagreb
Estado Vegetal
Performance and Plant-Thinking
Dancing Indigenous Worlds
Choreographies of Relation
Earthworks Rising
Mound Building in Native Literature and Arts
Eco Soma
Pain and Joy in Speculative Performance Encounters
Technics Improvised
Activating Touch in Global Media Art
Young-Girls in Echoland
#Theorizing Tiqqun
Assuming the Ecosexual Position
The Earth as Lover
Blackness in Morocco
Gnawa Identity through Music and Visual Culture
Arrested Welcome
Hospitality in Contemporary Art
Hungry Listening
Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies
Perpetual Motion
Dance, Digital Cultures, and the Common
Flying Funny
My Life without a Net
For All Waters
Finding Ourselves in Early Modern Wetscapes