Anthropology / Ethnography
Showing results 1-15 of 116
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Drama of Democracy
Political Representation in Mumbai
Opposition by Imitation
The Economics of Italian Anti-Mafia Activism
Re-membering Culture
Erasure and Renewal in Hmong American Education
A Technomoral Politics
Good Governance, Transparency, and Corruption in India
Cultivating Livability
Food, Class, and the Urban Future in Bengaluru
Good Boys, Bad Hombres
The Racial Politics of Mentoring Latino Boys in Schools
Knowing Silence
How Children Talk about Immigration Status in School
Unsettling Choice
Race, Rights, and the Partitioning of Public Education
Naked Fieldnotes
A Rough Guide to Ethnographic Writing
The Cactus Hunters
Desire and Extinction in the Illicit Succulent Trade
Gut Anthro
An Experiment in Thinking with Microbes
Settling Nature
The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel
Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene
Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds
Native Agency
Indians in the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Meaningless Citizenship
Iraqi Refugees and the Welfare State