Xtra Magazine Queer Culture Catch-Up featuring SIDE AFFECTS

Malatino, author of SIDE AFFECTS and a professor at Penn State, has actually written a book about (among other things) the ways in which trans people are simultaneously pressured to display our difficulties but are talked out of (or shamed out of) our hard feelings.

How the “bad feelings” of trans experience inform trans survival and flourishingDespite what the title might suggest, this isn’t just a catalog of hard feelings. Malatino, author of Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad and a professor at Penn State, has actually written a book about (among other things) the ways in which trans people are simultaneously pressured to display our difficulties but are talked out of (or shamed out of) our hard feelings. As a person who has quite a few more feelings than the average bear, I found it helpful and interesting to think more about why, and whether I felt entitled to them or not.

From Xtra Magazine's Queer Culture Catch-Up, here.