Hush Hush, Forest: A beautiful way to welcome winter.

A beautiful way to welcome winter, and bedtime, with the northwoods as backdrop.

Hush Hush, Forest (Mary Casanova and Nick Wroblewski)Hush Hush, Forest calls us to snuggle up, to calm down after a busy bright day, to consider what the birds, animals and the forest are doing to prepare for winter, even now while we settle down to rest. Each illustration is a story of its own, full of drama and the printmaker’s hand — I appreciate the un-idealized beauty of real animals and real places and the real woodgrain showing through ink.

Quiet like the woods after a snowfall, each page is deliberately arranged to encourage us to pause, take a breath between thoughts… Did my little girl fall fast asleep by the last page? Yes, yes she did.

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Published in: Quetico Superior Wilderness News
By: Kari Finkler