• Journals
  • Preservation Education and Research: Journal of the National Council for Preservation Education

Journal Information

  • ISSN: 1946-5904
  • eISSN: 2644-2191
  • Frequency: Annual


The National Council for Preservation Education (NCPE) launched Preservation Education & Research (PER) in 2007 as part of its mission to exchange and disseminate information and ideas concerning historic environment education, current developments and innovations in conversation, and the improvement of historic environment education programs and endeavors in the United States and abroad.

NCPE's objectives include encouraging and assisting in the development and improvement of historic preservation education programs and endeavors in the United States and elsewhere; coordinating efforts related to preservation education with public and private organizations and interested individuals; and creating public awareness of endeavors in preservation education.

Editorial Details


Emily Bergeron, University of Kentucky

Advisory Editorial Board

Steven Hoffman, Southeast Missouri State University

Amalia Leifeste, Clemson University

Douglas Appler, University of Kentucky

Sue Ann Pemberton, University of Texas at San Antonio

Andréa Livi Smith, University of Mary Washington

Michael A. Tomlan, Cornell University

Robert Young, University of Utah

NCPE Executive Committee

Amalia Leifeste, Chair

Sue Ann Pemberton, Vice Chair & Memberships

Andréa Livi Smith, Vice Chair & Website Editor

Steven Hoffman, Secretary

Douglas Appler, Treasurer

Michael A. Tomlan, Special Projects

Paul Hardin Kapp, Chair Emeritus

Robert Young, Chair Emeritus

Submission Info

PER welcomes article manuscripts, short responses to previously published articles (Forum essays), and book reviews on topics relevant to historic environment education from fields such as historic preservation, heritage conservation, heritage studies, building and landscape conservation, urban conservation, and cultural patrimony. International submissions (in English) are encouraged.

Only original work that has not been published previously and is not under review elsewhere will be considered.

Article Manuscripts

What to submit
  • A title page with the title and author(s) information (e.g., name[s], affiliation[s], postal and e-mail addresses, phone).
  • A one-page abstract of 150-200 words that summarizes the research question, research approach, and summary of findings.
  • A short bio(s) of the author(s) on a separate page.
  • The body of the paper should consist of 4500-6000 words, double-spaced in a 12-point font for the text and a 10-point font for the endnotes.
  • For the blind-review process, any author-specific information (e.g., name[s]) needs to be OMITTED from the body of the paper and included ONLY on the title page.
  • Manuscripts are only accepted in MS Word or PDF format; final submissions must be in MS Word format.
Where to submit

All manuscripts should be submitted through to the editor, Emily Bergeron, emily.bergeron@uky.edu

When to submit

Article manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year, but submission by February 15 will help assure that accepted materials are published in the next annual volume of PER.


  • Following a double-blind peer-review process, the editors notify the authors of the status of their manuscript (accept as is, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, or reject). PER’s policy is to keep the names of referees confidential, which we will do the greatest extent possible. We cannot, however, guarantee confidentiality where legal action requires PER to disclose the identity of a referee.
  • If necessary, authors resubmit manuscripts with requested revisions; resubmitted manuscripts may be subjected to a double-blind peer-review process.
  • The editors send the accepted manuscripts in their final version (after revisions) to the copy editor for English editing.
  • Authors are asked to change/correct according to the copy editor’s comments. NO changes or editorial arrangements other than what is indicated by the copy editor will be accepted at this point.
  • The editors send the corrected manuscripts to the graphic designer.
  • Authors are asked to approve the final PDF of their manuscripts before final materials are sent to the printer.
  • Each author gets two copies of the journal and a PDF file of the article.

For additional guidelines on formatting and style, please see the Manuscript Submission Guidelines page on the NCPE site.


For print individual and institutional orders, please click the subscribe button. To place a single title institutional subscription, Project MUSE account holders may use the Single Title Order Form.

To check the availability of back issues and to place a single copy order, please email journals@umn.edu.

Abstracting & Indexing

EBSCO: America-History and Life


Full page 6″ x 9″ $150
Half page 6″ x 4.25″ $75

Discounts are not available at this time.

Mechanical Requirements
  • Trim size is 7″ x 10″.
  • 133 line screen.
  • Camera-ready copy.
  • No color or bleeds.
  • PDF files also accepted.


Scheduling and advertising questions? Contact:

Preservation Education & Research
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Ave. S., Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN  55401-2520

Phone: 612-301-1938
Fax: 612-301-1980