Norwegian-American Studies: The Journal of the Norwegian-American Historical Association
Dedicated to publishing innovative studies of Norwegian migration and related fields
Norwegian-American Studies: The Journal of the Norwegian-American Historical Association
Prepayment is required for all subscriptions. You may also subscribe digitally through Project MUSE.
Journal Information
- ISSN: 0078-1983
- eISSN: 2643-8437
- Frequency: Annual
Since 1926, the Norwegian-American Historical Association has detailed and interpreted the Norwegian American experience in its journal, Norwegian-American Studies. The journal is dedicated to showcasing the best work being done in the field of Norwegian-American studies, including the related fields of history, literature, religion, art, and cultural studies. The journal aims to not only publish scholarship on Norwegian-American life, but also facilitate intellectual exchange by publishing original research articles alongside discussions of scholarly works in progress, the teaching and learning of Norwegian-American studies, reviews of books recently published in the field, and more.
Editorial Details
Anna M. Peterson, Luther College
Editorial Council
Betty A. Bergland, Professor Emerita of History, University of Wisconsin–River Falls
Laurann Gilbertson, Chief Curator, Vesterheim Museum, Decorah, Iowa
Lori Ann Lahlum, Professor of History, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Ann M. Legreid, Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Professor of Geography, Shepherd University
Terje Mikael Hasle Joranger, Director of the Norwegian Emigrant Museum, Ottestad, Norway
Deborah L. Miller, Independent public historian and freelance researcher, former reference specialist at Minnesota Historical Society Library
Daron W. Olson, Associate Professor of History, Indiana University East
Ingrid Urberg, Associate Professor of Scandinavian Studies, Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta
Nils Olav Østrem, Professor of History, University of Stavanger
Author Guidelines
Content of the Journal
Norwegian-American Studies invites submissions related to all aspects of the Norwegian-American experience, but does not normally publish family, institutional, congregational, or oral histories. Research on new topics as well as new approaches to older subjects are welcome. Possible contributions to the journal include:
Original Research Articles
Norwegian-American Studies invites submissions of article-length manuscripts that advance the Norwegian-American Historical Association’s (NAHA) mission to interpret the Norwegian-American experience. Articles published in Norwegian-American Studies are peer-reviewed. After the editor determines the submission is suitable for publication, it is sent to outside experts for peer review. This process is double-blind. The work is then either accepted for publication, returned with suggestions for revision and resubmission, or rejected. Please allow at least three months for review.
Word count: Between 5,000 and 11,000 words total including abstract, tables, endnotes, references, figure captions, etc.
Photograph Feature
Each issue of Norwegian-American Studies opens with a photographic feature. The journal invites submissions of a photograph related to all aspects of the Norwegian-American experience along with an accompanying essay. The essay should introduce the meanings and significance of the photograph and connect it to relevant historical, social, political, religious contexts.
Word count: Up to 350 words
Works in Progress
The journal welcomes submissions of “works in progress.” “Works in Progress” are not peer-reviewed, but rather offer authors the opportunity to inform readers of a new project they are working on and solicit feedback on emerging ideas. Graduate students as well as professionals are encouraged to submit to their work.
Word count: Up to 1,500 words
Teaching and Learning
The journal aims to publish the best work being done in the field of Norwegian-American studies. This section of the journal highlights the work of teaching and learning. Possible submissions may include:
- Reflections on teaching Norwegian-American studies
- Discussion of particular class activities or assignments related to Norwegian-American studies
- Student writing, including short papers written by undergraduate or graduate students in a course related to Norwegian-American studies, reflections on student/faculty collaborative research on Norwegian-American studies, reflections from students on taking courses related to Norwegian-American studies
Word count: Up to 4,000 words
Submission Details
Each submission should include two files: a manuscript file and a file with relevant low-resolution images. Send both files as email attachments to Files must be Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word compatible.
Manuscript File
The manuscript should include a cover page with the author’s name and contact info, the word count of the article, anabstract of no more than 200 words, and an author biography of no more than 50 words. Do not include the name of the author on any page except the cover page.
Authors guarantee that all work is their own, that anything quoted or paraphrased from another source is properlycited, and that all direct quotations have been carefully checked for accuracy and reproduced exactly as in the original source. NAHA uses endnotes in its publications.
Manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced throughout, including quotations and notes. Use Times New Romanfont, point size of 12. Use at least a 1″ margin. Consult The Chicago Manual of Style and NAHA’s style guide regarding other matters of technical style and citation formatting. Where The Chicago Manual and NAHA guidelines conflict, NAHA guidelines take precedence.
The Journal reserves the right to edit submissions after they have been accepted for style, clarity, and length. Typically, they will not be returned to the author for approval or proofreading.
Extensive editing will be done in consultation with the author.
Previously published material or material in consideration for publication elsewhere will not be considered. Authorsare responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, includingimages, photos, figures, or content credited to a third party that they wish to use, which fall outside of the fair use provisions described in U.S. copyright law.
Image File
Initial submissions should include a separate Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word compatible file with relevant low-resolution images inserted and numbered consecutively. Include working drafts of captions and credits. When referring to an image in the manuscript, place references in parentheses at the end of the sentence in which the image is first discussed, e.g. (Figure 1). Do not use “see” unless referring to an illustration previously referenced.
Do not format the manuscript with embedded art or images. Instead, the author should indicate placement of theimages listed in the separate file with “callouts” in the manuscript. The callout should be bracketed, in bold type, in all caps, and centered on the page. The callout should always appear after the paragraph in which the illustration is described:
A much-reproduced postcard of the time shows the south side of Pine Avenue fenced by a rather primitive wooden palisade (Figure 1). Montrealers arrived at the hospital by foot or by horse-drawn carriage, past a tiny polygonal gatehouse that marked the entrance to the site from the busy, steeply sloped, urban thoroughfare.
[Insert Figure 1 Near Here]
Upon acceptance, the author will be asked to secure permission for use and submit images that fulfill specific resolution and size requirements.
Publication Details
Author Copies
Upon publication, University of Minnesota Press will provide contributors with one free copy of the issue of Norwegian-American Studies in which their contribution appears. Additional copies can be requested from NAHA.
Copyright and Licensing
Norwegian-American Studies authors grant to the University of Minnesota the exclusive right to reproduce their essay and distribute it by all means and media now known or hereafter discovered. They also grant to the University the exclusive right to license others to reproduce all or part of their essay and distribute it by all means and media now known or hereafter discovered. The rights authors grant include, but are not limited to: original publication throughout the world in all languages; anthology; serial; digest; abridgment; condensation; adaptation; translation; dramatizations; photocopying; microfilm; reprint editions by other publishers; electronic media versions; display and transmission publicly or otherwise online, or through other electronic or digital means of transmission, and the right to copyright in the name of the Norwegian American Historical Association.
Author Fees
Norwegian-American Studies does not require author fees for publishing materials in the journal for non-Open Access submissions.
Author Processing Charges (APCs) for publishing Open Access in Norwegian-American Studies are:
- $1000 for feature articles
- $300 for book reviews
Additional queries about Open Access publishing and Article Processing Charges (APCs) should be directed to the editorial team at:
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- The editor of Norwegian-American Studies is responsible for identifying and contacting peer reviewers, always keeping in mind potential conflicts of interest and making sure that submissions are evaluated in terms of scholarly content and contribution without regard to the identity and affiliation of the author.
- The editor of Norwegian-American Studies ensures the confidentiality of authors and reviewers.
- Based on Norwegian-American Studies’s internal and external review process, the editor decides whether to accept, reject, or encourage revision and resubmission of the manuscript.
- Guidelines for authors appear on the Norwegian-American Historical Association website and will be sent on request.
- Authors are required to state whether the article has been submitted to or is under review with another publication and whether the article has previously been published in another language.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the submission. Authors should ensure that all the listed authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and to the inclusion of their names as co-authors.
- Authors are expected to respect the intellectual properties of others, through acknowledgement of sources, proper citation and attribution, quotation of direct texts taken from other sources, and recognition of research participants and research funders.
- Before a submission can be published, authors will be required to sign the University of Minnesota Press Contributor Agreement Form and a Permissions Agreement regarding illustration and artwork.
- Authors should communicate any errors discovered after publication directly to the editor and publisher.
Review Policies
- The editor will independently review and select submissions in a confidential process, and reserve the right to reject any submission that does not meet the journal’s standard. Submissions will not be discussed or shared beyond those directly involved in the publication process, such as reviewers and editorial staff.
- Articles undergo an internal review by the editor and, when relevant, members of the Editorial Board. If submissions are deemed appropriate for the journal, they undergo double-blind peer review. Norwegian-American Studies sends authors reviewer comments and a decision about publication as expeditiously as possible.
- The editor will make every effort to ensure that the selection process and peer review of submissions is fair and unbiased, and that peer review is undertaken by qualified scholars in the appropriate field who are free of conflicts of interest.
- The editor’s decision to accept or reject an article for publication in Norwegian-American Studies is based only on the submission’s relevance to the remit of the journal and the significance of the submission as a work of original scholarship.
- Reviewers should have no potential conflict of interest.
- Potential reviewers are provided with the title and abstract of the submission, and if they agree to serve as reviewers and have no conflicts of interest, are sent Norwegian-American Studies’s review guidelines.
- In order to protect the anonymity of the double-blind peer review process, reviewers are requested to keep confidential all information regarding submissions to Norwegian-American Studies.
- For revised resubmissions, authors should address all comments and suggestions by reviewers and provide an account of the revisions undertaken.
Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Conflicts of Interest are considered to occur when the editor has private interests that interfere with their ability to make an unbiased final decision on any manuscript. In cases where it is deemed an editorial conflict of interest exists, including (but not limited to) financial interest or a personal relationship with the author, the editor of Norwegian-American Studies will disclose this to members of the Editorial Board and be recused from making a decision on the article.
Authors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interests for authors occur when their private interests influence the objectivity of research. In order to avoid conflicts, authors should acknowledge the following upon submission of their manuscript:
- All sources of research funding
- Any financial or non-financial interests that may have impacted presentation of their research.
The following situations are considered conflicts of interest for reviewers and will be avoided:
- Co-authoring publications with at least one of the authors in the past 3 years, not including edited collections.
- Being colleagues within the same section / department or similar organization unit in the past 3 years.
- Supervising / having supervised the doctoral work of the author(s) or being supervised / having been supervised by the author(s)
- Having a personal relationship (e.g. family, close friend) with the author(s)
- Having a direct or indirect financial interest in the paper being reviewed.
It is not considered a Conflict of Interest if the reviewers have worked together with the authors in a collaborative project or if they have co-organized an event.
Allegations of Misconduct
- The editor will promptly investigate complaints related to pieces published in this journal.
- When there is an allegation of academic misconduct, we solicit a response from those accused, seek full documentation of the allegation, and consult with the editorial board to determine any appropriate steps.
- After consultation with the editorial board, the editor will work with the author(s) to ethically address the issue and come to the appropriate solution, whether that is revising the article, issuing an apology, and/or retracting the piece.
- Norwegian-American Studies considers plagiarism to be the knowing presentation of another author’s work as the manuscript submitter’s own.
- Norwegian-American Studies considers text-recycling to be when an author re-uses sections of text from their other publications. References to previous works by the author to establish a foundation or framework for the current submission are not considered to be text-recycling.
- Norwegian-American Studies peer reviewers are instructed to inform the editor of suspected plagiarism. Upon review of the claims, if the editor finds evidence of large portions of text and / or data from another source presented as if they were by the author, they will contact the author to respond to the claims. If the author provides an unsatisfactory explanation, the submission will be rejected and the author’s work will no longer be accepted for review by Norwegian-American Studies. If the author confirms the case to be an honest error, the manuscript will be rejected but the author’s future work will be accepted for review by Norwegian-American Studies.
- The editor of Norwegian-American Studies understands a small degree of text-recycling may be unavoidable in publications concerning related topics and considers such cases of self-plagiarism based on the significance of the text that is repeated. Norwegian-American Studies will accept manuscripts that present similar data or research with a new argument but rejects all submissions that recycle the arguments in the authors’ previous publications.
The editor will consider retraction if:
- They have evidence that the article presents unreliable findings, includes unethical or fabricated research, plagiarizes other materials, or infringes upon copyright.
- The author(s) and / or reviewer(s) failed to disclose a major conflict of interest during the peer-review process that impacted the decision to publish by the editor
In all cases, the editor will promptly publish a retraction statement that clearly identifies the article and explains the reason for retraction.
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Abstracting & Indexing
De Gruyter Saur: Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus
EBSCO: America-History and Life
EBSCO: Current Abstracts
EBSCO: Historical Abstracts (Online)
EBSCO: MLA International Bibliography
Elsevier: SCOPUS
Gale: MLA International Bibliography
ProQuest: MLA International Bibliography
ProQuest: Periodicals Index Online
Full page | 5″ x 8″ | $150 |
Half page | 5″ x 3.75″ | $75 |
Discounts are not available at this time.
Mechanical Requirements
- 133 line screen.
- Camera-ready copy required.
- No color or bleeds.
- PDF files also accepted.
Scheduling and advertising questions? Contact
Norwegian-American Studies
Attn: Shelby Connelly
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Ave. S., Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
Phone: 612-301-1938
Fax: 612-301-1980
Additional Information
Ownership and Management
The copyright for Norwegian-American Studies is held by the Norwegian-American Historical Association. Manuscript submission and review processes are managed by the editorial team at Norwegian-American Studies, while the University of Minnesota Press coordinates production of the journal.
Governing Body
For up to date information on Norwegian-American Studies’ Editorial Collective and Advisory Board see the “Editorial Information” tab
All back issues of Norwegian-American Studies are available digitally on Project MUSE and are archived separately by the University of Minnesota Press.
Revenue Sources
This journal makes revenue from subscriptions, advertising, and institutional sources. Publishing fees do not influence the editorial decision making process.