Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory, and Criticism
An international point of reference for the critical examination of historic preservation.

Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory, and Criticism
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Journal Information
- ISSN: 1549-9715
- eISSN: 1934-6026
- Frequency: Twice per year
Future Anterior approaches historic preservation from a position of critical inquiry, rigorous scholarship, and theoretical analysis. The journal is an important international forum for the critical examination of historic preservation, spurring challenges of its assumptions, goals, methods, and results. As the first journal in American academia devoted to the study and advancement of historic preservation, it provides a much-needed bridge between architecture and history. The journal also features provocative theoretical reflections on historic preservation from the point of view of art, philosophy, law, geography, archeology, planning materials science, cultural anthropology, and conservation. Future Anterior is essential reading for anyone interested in historic preservation and its role in current cultural debates.
For a full list of present and past issues and the associated table of contents, please see the Future Anterior page on Project MUSE.
Editorial Details
Founder and Editor
Jorge Otero-Pailos
Managing Editors
Aaron Luo
James Oberting
Editorial Board
Thordis Arrhenius, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Erica Avrami, Columbia University
Barry Bergdoll, Columbia University
Andrew Dolkart, Columbia University
Tao DuFour, University of Cambridge
David Gissen, New School/Parsons School of Design
Andrew Herscher, University of Michigan
Saburo Horikawa, Hosei University
Mark Jarzombek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Erik Fenstad Langdalen, Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Hannah Lewi, The University of Melbourne
Valerie Magar, ICCROM
Rahul Mehrotra, Harvard University
José de Nordenflycht Concha, Universidad de Playa Ancha
Ikem Okoye, University of Delaware
Dominique Poulot, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Laurajane Smith, Australian National University
Marc Treib, University College Berkeley
Aron Vinegar, University of Oslo
Ines Weizman, Royal College of Art
Mechtild Widrich, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Gwendolyn Wright, Columbia University
Submission Guidelines
Articles should be no more than 4,000 words (excluding footnotes), with up to seven illustrations. It is the responsibility of the author to secure permissions for image use and pay any reproduction fees. A brief abstract (200 words) and author bio (around 100 words) must accompany the text. Acceptance or rejection of submissions is at the discretion of the Editorial Staff. Please do not send original materials, as submissions will not be returned.
Formatting Text
All text files should be saved as Microsoft Word or RTF format. Text and citations must be formatted in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition. All articles must be submitted in English, and spelling should follow American convention.
Formatting Illustrations
Images should be sent as TIFF files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi at 8” by 9” print size. Figures should be numbered clearly in the text, after the paragraph in which they are referenced. Image captions and credits must be included with submissions.
Checklist of documents required for submission
__ Abstract (200 words)
__ Manuscript (4000 words)
__ Illustrations (7)
__ Captions for Illustrations
__ Illustration Copyright information
__ Author biography (100 words)
All submissions must be submitted electronically, via email to:
Questions about submissions can be sent to the above email address or mailed to:
Jorge Otero-Pailos
Editor, Future Anterior
Future Anterior
400 Avery Hall
1172 Amsterdam Ave
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
For print individual and institutional orders, please click the subscribe button. To place a single title institutional subscription, Project MUSE account holders may use the Single Title Order Form.
To check the availability of back issues and to place a single copy order, please email journals@umn.edu.
Abstracting & Indexing
Clarivate: Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Clarivate: Current Contents
Clarivate: Web of Science
EBSCO: America-History and Life
EBSCO: Art & Architecture Complete
EBSCO: Art & Architecture Index
EBSCO: Art & Architecture Source
EBSCO: Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Art Index (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
EBSCO: Biography Index-Past and Present (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Current Abstracts
EBSCO: MLA International Bibliography
EBSCO: OmniFile Full Text Mega
EBSCO: OmniFile Full Text Select
EBSCO: TOC Premier
Elsevier: SCOPUS
Gale: Gale Academic OneFile
Gale: Gale General OneFile
Gale: Gale in Context-Environmental Studies
Gale: Gale Literature: Book Review Index
Gale: Gale World Scholar-Latin America and the Caribbean
Gale: InfoTrac Custom
Gale: MLA International Bibliography
OCLC: ArticleFirst
OCLC: Electronic Collections Online
ProQuest: Avery Index to Architecture Collection
ProQuest: Design & Applied Arts Index
ProQuest: Humanities Index (Online, Ann Arbor)
ProQuest: MLA International Bibliography
RIBA: Arhitectural Publications Index
Getty Conservation Institute: AATA Online