Cultural Critique
The path-breaking journal of cultural criticism.
Cultural Critique
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Journal Information
- ISSN: 0882-4371
- eISSN: 1460-2458
- Frequency: Quarterly
Cultural Critique provides a forum for creative and provocative scholarship in the theoretical humanities and humanistic social sciences. Transnational in scope and transdisciplinary in orientation, the journal strives to spark and galvanize intellectual debates as well as to attract and foster critical investigations regarding any aspect of culture as it expresses itself in words, images, and sounds, across both time and space. The journal is especially keen to support scholarship that engages the ways in which cultural production, cultural practices, and cultural forms constitute and manifest the nexus between the aesthetic, the psychic, the economic, the political, and the ethical intended in their widest senses. While informed by the diverse traditions of historical materialism as well as by the numerous critiques of such traditions from various parts of the globe, the journal welcomes contributions based on a variety of theoretical-methodological paradigms.
Editorial Details
Assistant Editors
Book Review Editors
Editorial Collective
Submission Info
Submissions to Cultural Critique must be the author’s original work, not have been published previously, and must not be under consideration elsewhere.
Cultural Critique uses Chicago author-date style, with parenthetical documentation and endnotes rather than footnotes. We ask that submissions be no more than 30 pages in length, exclusive of notes and bibliography. Please be sure to include page numbers. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout; be sure to include a list of works cited. Your document should be formatted for US-letter sized paper (8.5 x 11″).
Manuscripts are peer reviewed in a double-blind process. Therefore, please make sure that your name does not appear in any headers or footers. Any personal information may be included on a separate cover page.
Digital images may be submitted in the following commonly used file format: TIFF and JPEG. In the final submission, digital photographs may not be embedded in a Word document. They should be sent separately as individual files to facilitate production. Original submissions being sent out for review can include embedded photos or figures. Digital images must be at least 5 inches wide at 300 ppi resolution.
Checklist of Documents required for submission:
__Abstract (200 words)
__Manuscript (in a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word compatible format)
__Captions for Images/figures
__Author bio (100 words)
Authors are required to obtain any necessary permissions for the use of text or illustration whose use is controlled by others and provide documentation after acceptance of their manuscript and before production begins. In order to minimize publication delays, the editorial team encourages contributors to obtain permission as soon as possible after acceptance.
Please allow a minimum of four months for editorial consideration.
Queries and submissions should be sent to:
Books for review should be addressed to:
Editors, Cultural Critique
Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
216 Pillsbury Drive S.E.
235 Nicholson Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0229
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- The editors of Cultural Critique are responsible for identifying and contacting peer reviewers, always keeping in mind potential conflicts of interest and making sure that submissions are evaluated in terms of scholarly content and contribution without regard to the identity and affiliation of the author.
- The editors of Cultural Critique ensure the confidentiality of authors and reviewers.
- Based on Cultural Critique’s internal and external review process, the editors decide whether to accept, reject, or encourage revision and resubmission of the manuscript.
- Guidelines for authors appear on the Cultural Critique website and will be sent on request.
- Authors are required to state whether the article has been submitted to or is under review with another publication and whether the article has previously been published in another language.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the submission. Authors should ensure that all the listed authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and to the inclusion of their names as co-authors.
- Authors are expected to respect the intellectual properties of others, through acknowledgement of sources, proper citation and attribution, quotation of direct texts taken from other sources, and recognition of research participants and research funders.
- Before a submission can be published, authors will be required to sign the University of Minnesota Press Contributor Agreement Form and a Permissions Agreement regarding illustration and artwork.
- Authors should communicate any errors discovered after publication directly to the editors and publisher.
Review Policies
- The editors will independently review and select submissions in a confidential process, and reserve the right to reject any submission that does not meet the journal’s standard. Submissions will not be discussed or shared beyond those directly involved in the publication process, such as reviewers and editorial staff.
- Articles undergo an internal review by the editors and, when relevant, members of the Editorial Board. If submissions are deemed appropriate for the journal, they undergo double-blind peer review. Cultural Critique sends authors reviewer comments and a decision about publication as expeditiously as possible.
- The editors will make every effort to ensure that the selection process and peer review of submissions is fair and unbiased, and that peer review is undertaken by qualified scholars in the appropriate field who are free of conflicts of interest.
- The editors’ decision to accept or reject an article for publication in Cultural Critique is based only on the submission’s relevance to the remit of the journal and the significance of the submission as a work of innovative scholarship.
- Reviewers should have no potential conflict of interest.
- Potential reviewers are provided with the title and abstract of the submission, and if they agree to serve as reviewers and have no conflicts of interest, are sent Cultural Critique’s review guidelines.
- In order to protect the anonymity of the double-blind peer review process, reviewers are requested to keep confidential all information regarding submissions to Cultural Critique.
- For revised resubmissions, authors should address all comments and suggestions by reviewers and provide an account of the revisions undertaken.
Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Authors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. In order to avoid conflicts, authors should acknowledge the following upon submission of their manuscript:
- All sources of research funding
- Any financial or non-financial interests that may have impacted presentation of their research.
The following situations are considered conflicts of interest for reviewers and will be avoided:
- Co-authoring publications with at least one of the authors in the past 3 years, not including edited collections.
- Having a personal relationship (e.g. family, close friend) with the author(s)
- Having a direct or indirect financial interest in the paper being reviewed.
It is not considered a Conflict of Interest if the reviewers have worked together with the authors in a collaborative project or if they have co-organized an event.
Allegations of Misconduct
- The editors will promptly investigate complaints related to pieces published in this journal.
- When there is an allegation of academic misconduct, we solicit a response from those accused, seek full documentation of the allegation, and consult with the Editorial Board to determine any appropriate steps.
Conflicts of Interest are considered to occur when the editor has private interests that interfere with their ability to make an unbiased final decision on any manuscript. In cases where it is deemed an editorial conflict of interest exists, including (but not limited to) financial interest or a personal relationship with the author, the editors of Cultural Critique will recuse the relevant editor from making a decision on the article.
After consultation with the Editorial Board, the editors will work with the author(s) to address the issue and come to the appropriate solution, whether that is revising the article, issuing an apology, and/or retracting the piece.
The editors will consider retraction if:
- They have evidence that the article presents unreliable findings, includes unethical or fabricated research, plagiarizes other materials, or infringes upon copyright.
The author(s) and / or reviewer(s) failed to disclose a major conflict of interest during the peer-review process that affected the decision to publish by the editors.
In all cases, the editors will promptly publish a retraction statement that clearly identifies the article and explains the reason for retraction.
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To check the availability of back issues and to place a single copy order, please email
Abstracting & Indexing
Clarivate: Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Clarivate: Current Contents
Clarivate: Essential Science Indicators
Clarivate: Web of Science
De Gruyter Saur: Dietrich’s Index Phosophicus
De Gruyter Saur: IBZ-Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes
De Gruyter Saur: Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes
EBSCO: Alternative Press Index
EBSCO: Biographic Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Current Abstracts
EBSCO: Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Humanities Index (Online)
EBSCO: Humanities International Index
EBSCO: Humanities Source
EBSCO: Humanities Source Ultimate
EBSCO: Left Index (Online)
EBSCO: MLA International Bibliography
EBSCO: OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson)
EBSCO: Poetry & Short Story Reference Center
EBSCO: Political Science Complete
EBSCO: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
EBSCO: Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
EBSCO: SocINDEX with Full Text
EBSCO: TOC Premier (Table of Contents)
Elsevier: SCOPUS
Gale: Gale Academic OneFile
Gale: Gale Literature: Book Review Index
Gale: Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice
Gale: Gale World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean
Gale: InfoTrac Custom
Gale: MLA International Bibliography
OCLC: ArticleFirst
OCLC: Electronic Collections Online
OCLC: Humanities Index (Online)
Periodica Islamica: Periodica Islamica
ProQuest: Humanities Index (Online, Ann Arbor)
ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
ProQuest: MLA International Bibliography
ProQuest: Periodicals Index Online
ProQuest: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
ProQuest: Social Science Premium Collection
Full page | 4.875″ x 8″ | $200 |
Half page | 4.875″ x 3.75″ | $150 |
Discounts are not available at this time.
Mechanical Requirements:
- Trim size is 6″ x 9″.
- 133 line screen.
- Camera-ready copy.
- No color or bleeds.
- PDF files also accepted.
Scheduling and Advertising Questions? Contact:
Cultural Critique
Attn: Shelby Connelly
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Ave. S., Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520
Phone: 612-301-1938
Fax: 612-301-1980