Subscription Information

Buildings & Landscapes subscriptions info.

Pricing information for subscriptions to Buildings & Landscapes:

Individuals/domestic $60.00 per year
Individuals/outside U.S. $65.00 per year
Institutions/domestic $125.00 per year
Institutions/outside U.S. $130.00 per year
Back issues, individuals $37.50 per issue + shipping*
Back issues, institutions $78.00 per issue + shipping*

Buildings & Landscapes has been published twice per year since 2009. For issues 1 - 13, please contact the Vernacular Architecture Forum.

* Shipping for back issues:

  • Inside the U.S.: $5.00 for the first copy and $1.00 for each additional copy.
  • Outside the U.S.: $9.50 for the first copy, $5.00 for each additional copy.


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