American Studies

Male Trouble Male Trouble Constance Penley and Sharon Willis, Editors 1992 Fall
The contributors provide a thought-provoking, comprehensive study of masculinity in American culture today. Contributors: Parveen Adams, Ian Balfour, Ray Barrie, Sabrina Barton, Steven Cohan, Rey Chow, Alexander Doty, Henry Jenkins III, Lynne Kirby, Constance Penley, Kaja Silverman, Sasha Torres, and Sharon Willis.
Framing History: The Rosenberg Story and the Cold War Framing History The Rosenberg Story and the Cold War Virginia Carmichael 1992 Fall
Dancing in the Distraction Factory: Music Television and Popular Culture Dancing in the Distraction Factory Music Television and Popular Culture Andrew Goodwin 1992 Fall
This first comprehensive, integrated analysis of MTV provides new ways to understand television and popular music narratives. ”A smart book: it will have an impact on the debates surrounding popular culture.” --Susan McClary
Chicanos and Film: Representation and Resistance Chicanos and Film Representation and Resistance Chon A. Noriega 1992 Fall
The Movie of the Week: Private Stories Public Events The Movie of the Week Private Stories Public Events Elayne Rapping 1992 Fall
Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness Channels of Desire Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness Stuart Ewen and Elizabeth Ewen 1992 Fall
The classic revised and updated.
Technoculture Technoculture Constance Penley and Andrew Ross, Editors 1991 Spring
The contributors provide a realistic assessment of the politics-the dangers and possibilities-currently at stake in cultural practices touched by advanced technology, while suggesting new and timely possibilities for those concerned with the pressing need for technoliteracy. Contributors: Houston A. Baker, Jr., Sandra Buckley, Peter Fitting, Reebee Garofalo, DeeDee Halleck, Donna Haraway, Valerie Hartouni, Jim Pomeroy, Constance Penley, Andrew Ross, and Paula A. Treichler.
Richard Wright - American Writers 74: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Richard Wright - American Writers 74 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Robert Bone 1989 Spring
Kenneth Burke - American Writers 75: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Kenneth Burke - American Writers 75 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Merle E. Brown 1989 Spring
Popular Culture in America Popular Culture in America Paul Buhle, Editor 1987 Fall
The End of American History: Democracy, Capitalism, and the Metaphor of Two Worlds in Anglo-American Historical Writing, 1880-1980 The End of American History Democracy, Capitalism, and the Metaphor of Two Worlds in Anglo-American Historical Writing, 1880-1980 David W. Noble 1985 Fall
Using the work of four major historians, Noble focuses on the dramatic change in historical structure and meaning that came with the collapse of the progressive paradigm and its guiding metaphor of exodus from the Old World to the New World.
Solidarity Forever: An Oral History of the IWW Solidarity Forever An Oral History of the IWW Stewart Bird, Dan Georgakas and Deborah Shaffer None None
Of Huck and Alice: Humorous Writing in American Literature Of Huck and Alice Humorous Writing in American Literature Neil Schmitz 1983 Spring
Old Brick: Charles Chauncy of Boston, 1705-1787 Old Brick Charles Chauncy of Boston, 1705-1787 Edward M. Griffin None None
Charles Chauncy is remembered today as the chief antagonist of Jonathan Edwards during the Great Awakening of the 1740s, yet his contemporaries knew him as a powerful, influential figure in his own right. During his 60-year tenure as pastor of Boston’s First Church (the “Old Brick”) Chauncy involved himself in most of the important issues of the century. Not only did he aggressively oppose the emotional revivalism of the Great Awakening, but he was also a bold pamphleteer and preacher in support of the American Revolution. Old Brick, the first full-scale biography of Charles Chauncy, makes it possible to consider Chauncy a figure worthy of study and to take a fresh look at eighteenth-century New England in light of the tradition Chauncy represents.
The Novels of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Study The Novels of Theodore Dreiser A Critical Study Donald Pizer None None
Makers of American Thought: An Introduction to Seven American Writers Makers of American Thought An Introduction to Seven American Writers Ralph Ross, Editor None None
Carl Sandburg - American Writers 97: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Carl Sandburg - American Writers 97 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Gay Wilson Allen 1972 Fall
Theodore Dreiser - American Writers 102: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Theodore Dreiser - American Writers 102 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers W.M. Frohock 1972 Fall
James Agee - American Writers 95: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers James Agee - American Writers 95 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Erling Larsen 1971 Spring
William Styron - American Writers 98: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers William Styron - American Writers 98 University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers Richard Pearce 1971 Fall