Collection: Science, Technology, Microbes

Interdisciplinary scholarship on science and technology, medicine, design, and more.


The Right-Wing Politics of Digital Technology

David Golumbia, George Justice


A Philosophy of Cars and Phones

Robert Rosenberger

Microbial Resolution

Visualization and Security in the War against Emerging Microbes

Gloria Chan-Sook Kim

American Disgust

Racism, Microbial Medicine, and the Colony Within

Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

Machine and Sovereignty

For a Planetary Thinking

Yuk Hui

The Intimate Life of Computers

Digitizing Domesticity in the 1980s

Reem Hilu

Prosthetic Immortalities

Biology, Transhumanism, and the Search for Indefinite Life

Adam R Rosenthal, David Wills

Deepwater Alchemy

Extractive Mediation and the Taming of the Seafloor

Lisa Yin Han


On Technical Objects and Orientations in the Later Middle Ages

J. Allan Mitchell


An Aesthetics and Ethics of Technical Encounter

EL Putnam

Gut Anthro

An Experiment in Thinking with Microbes

Amber Benezra

Molecular Capture

The Animation of Biology

Adam Nocek

The Digital and Its Discontents

Aden Evens, Alexander R. Galloway

Imagination and Invention

Gilbert Simondon, Joe Hughes, Christophe Wall-Romana

Neural Networks

Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Théo LePage-Richer, Lucy Suchman

Citizens of Worlds

Open-Air Toolkits for Environmental Struggle

Jennifer Gabrys

Elements of a Philosophy of Technology

On the Evolutionary History of Culture

Ernst Kapp, Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Leif Weatherby, Lauren K. Wolfe, Siegfried Zielinski

Mechanization Takes Command

A Contribution to Anonymous History

Sigfried Giedion

Biology in the Grid

Graphic Design and the Envisioning of Life

Phillip Thurtle

Into the Universe of Technical Images

Vilém Flusser, Nancy Ann Roth

Body Modern

Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration, and the Homuncular Subject

Michael Sappol

Operational Images

From the Visual to the Invisual

Jussi Parikka

Digital Memory and the Archive

Wolfgang Ernst, Jussi Parikka

Gaian Systems

Lynn Margulis, Neocybernetics, and the End of the Anthropocene

Bruce Clarke

The Probiotic Planet

Using Life to Manage Life

Jamie Lorimer


A Modern Invention

Davide Tarizzo, Mark William Epstein

From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics

William C. Bausman, Janella K. Baxter, Oliver M. Lean

Beyond the Meme

Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution

Alan C. Love, William Wimsatt


Biopolitics and Philosophy

Roberto Esposito, Timothy Campbell

Cosmopolitics I

Isabelle Stengers, Robert Bononno

Cosmopolitics II

Isabelle Stengers, Robert Bononno

Making Sense in Common

A Reading of Whitehead in Times of Collapse

Isabelle Stengers, Thomas Lamarre

Improper Life

Technology and Biopolitics from Heidegger to Agamben

Timothy C. Campbell

Metaphysical Experiments

Physics and the Invention of the Universe

Bjørn Ekeberg

Into the Extreme

U.S. Environmental Systems and Politics beyond Earth

Valerie Olson


Thierry Bardini


Thinking Back through Technology and Politics

David Wills


Sound and Technological Posthumanism

David Cecchetto