Recent press: Out of the Vinyl Deeps

Review - 13607 (copy)
Review - 13608 (copy)
Author Bio - 16239 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816635573 - Paperback
Cognitive Fictions Cognitive Fictions Joseph Tabbi 2002 Spring
The first comprehensive look at the effect of new technologies on contemporary American fiction
Catalog - 1299 (copy)
Copy - Short - 4041 (copy)
Author Bio - 15588 (copy)
ISBN: 9780816619795 - Jacketed Cloth
ISBN: 9781452901022 - EPUB
ISBN: 9781452916767 - MOBI
ISBN: 9780816683963 - Digital
Cognitive Models of Science Cognitive Models of Science Ronald N. Giere, Editor 1992 Spring
Delineates the emerging impact the cognitive sciences are having on the content and methods of philosophy.
Handle - 392 (copy)
Catalog - 1844 (copy)