
Studies in Epistemology Studies in Epistemology Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr. and Howard K. Wettstein, Editors 1980 Spring
Studies in Higher Education: Biennial Report of the Committee on Educational Research, University of Minnesota, 1940-42 Studies in Higher Education Biennial Report of the Committee on Educational Research, University of Minnesota, 1940-42 Committee on Educational Research None None
Studies in Metaphysics Studies in Metaphysics Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr. and Howard K. Wettstein, Editors 1979 Spring
Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume’s Empiricism Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume’s Empiricism Mary Shaw Kuypers None None
Studies in the Metabolism of Vitamin B12 Studies in the Metabolism of Vitamin B12 Alfred Doscherholmen None None
Studious Drift: Movements and Protocols for a Postdigital Education Studious Drift Movements and Protocols for a Postdigital Education Tyson Lewis and Peter B. Hyland 2022 Fall
What kind of university is possible when digital tools are not taken for granted, but hacked for a more experimental future?
Stupendous, Miserable City: Pasolini’s Rome Stupendous, Miserable City Pasolini’s Rome John David Rhodes 2007 Spring
An Italian film radical shown in rich context for the first time
Stuttering and What you can do About it Stuttering and What you can do About it Wendell Johnson None None
Stuttering in Children and Adults: Thirty Years of Research at the University of Iowa Stuttering in Children and Adults Thirty Years of Research at the University of Iowa Wendell Johnson, Editor None None
Styrbiorn the Strong Styrbiorn the Strong E. R. Eddison 2011 Fall
E. R. Eddison’s classic saga novel now in paperback—includes for the first time Eddison’s remarkable letter of introduction and his unabridged closing note
Subprime Health: Debt and Race in U.S. Medicine Subprime Health Debt and Race in U.S. Medicine Nadine Ehlers and Leslie R. Hinkson, Editors 2017 Fall
Moving beyond discussions of racial genomics, an interdisciplinary exploration of race-based medicine
Subsurface Subsurface Karen Pinkus 2023 Spring
A bold new consideration of climate change between narratives of the Earth’s layers and policy of the present
Subterranean Twin Cities Subterranean Twin Cities Greg Brick 2009 Spring
Don’t try this at home—read the book instead! (it smells better).
Suburban Beijing: Housing and Consumption in Contemporary China Suburban Beijing Housing and Consumption in Contemporary China Friederike Fleischer 2010 Fall
Understanding the effects of market liberalization through life in a modern Chinese suburb
Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty Tom B. Jones and John W. Snyder None None
Summa Technologiae Summa Technologiae Stanisław Lem 2014 Spring
From the acclaimed author of the science fiction novel Solaris, a pre-Dawkins exposition of evolution as a blind and chaotic watchmaker
Superhumanity: Design of the Self Superhumanity Design of the Self Nick Axel, Beatriz Colomina, Nikolaus Hirsch, Anton Vidokle and Mark Wigley, Editors 2018 Spring
A wide-ranging and challenging exploration of design and how it engages with the self
Sure Seaters: The Emergence of Art House Cinema Sure Seaters The Emergence of Art House Cinema Barbara Wilinsky 2000 Fall
An engaging look at the development of the movie theaters that introduced American audiences to the masterpieces of world cinema.
Surface Encounters: Thinking with Animals and Art Surface Encounters Thinking with Animals and Art Ron Broglio 2011 Fall
Developing a phenomenology of the animal other through contemporary art
Surfaces Surfaces Avrum Stroll 1988 Spring
Provides novel answers to two age-old philosophical problems-the epistemological problem of how perception is able to generate knowledge, and the metaphysical problem of what it is that we perceive.