
On Modern Architecture and Theory


Sarah Williams Goldhagen, Claire Zimmerman, and Cor Wagenaar, editors

A groundbreaking new international journal devoted to architecture, urbanism, and modernism

Positions is a new, international, blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the ongoing history, historiography, analysis, and theoretical reconceptualization of modern architecture and urbanism.

Positions is a forum for asking new questions and reevaluating old ones; creating new research agendas and reframing familiar ones; analyzing unknown or understudied projects, institutions, and movements and reexamining previously covered topics; deepening established theoretical perspectives and contesting them with new thinking. Because of the complex nature of its field, Positions adopts a multidisciplinary perspective, so that it is open to the full range of methodological approaches available to modern architecture and urbanism.

In the spirit of modernism Positions attempts to break down the barriers that prevent the study of modern architecture and urbanism from becoming a truly international and multidisciplinary field. Positions is a transatlantic enterprise, coedited, produced, and published in the United States and the Netherlands, making it a vibrant platform for the study and analysis, the history and historiography, the theorization and critical understanding of modern architecture and urbanism.

Sarah Williams Goldhagen is architecture critic for The New Republic and author of Louis Kahn's Situated Modernism.

Cor Wagenaar teaches at Delft University of Technology and is author of Welvaartsstad in Wording: De wederopbouw van Rotterdam, 1940–1952 (Welfare City in the Making: The Reconstruction of Rotterdam, 1940-1952).

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