Give to the University of Minnesota Press

How to support the Press and the high-quality, affordable books we provide to readers with a tax-deductible donation.


How your gift helps

When you support the University of Minnesota Press with a tax-deductible donation, you help us bring high quality, affordable books to our readers.

  • You help us produce beautifully illustrated books that communicate powerfully about the people, history, and natural environment of Minnesota and the Upper Midwest.
  • You help us publish our next award-winning title in the humanities or social sciences.
  • You provide the funding we need to translate a game-changing book into English.
  • You make it possible for us to bring out compelling books that may not be blockbusters, but can find an eager audience.
  • You help us keep our book prices within reach of more readers by supporting a single title, series, or subject area.

How to Give

We welcome contributions in any amount. To make a gift, please visit our page at the University of Minnesota Foundation (

If you’d like to support books in a particular subject area, please fill in the optional instructions when you make your gift or contact , Outreach and Development Manager. 

Donations to the Press are tax deductible and count toward annual giving commitments to the University of Minnesota.

Increase Your Investment with a Matching Gift

Does your employer have a matching gift program that will allow you to increase the value of your gift? Find out at

Want to Do More?

If you’d like to sponsor a forthcoming book or book series, or create an endowment in your own name or the name of someone important to you, we’d love to hear from you. Please be in touch with , Outreach and Development Manager. 


Some of the books supported by donations or gifts include:




And more …

You Make the Difference

Like other nonprofit organizations, the University of Minnesota Press depends on the generosity of people like you to enable us to carry out our mission. More than 95% of our operating funds are generated through sales and from the financial support of our generous donors. And here’s a fact that might surprise you: we receive less than 5% of our funding from the University of Minnesota.

Thank you for supporting the University of Minnesota Press!