Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy
Advancing the project of non-philosophy
Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy
Series: Univocal
ISBN: 9781937561055
Publication date: November 1st, 2012
220 Pages
8 x 5
Very few thinkers have traveled the heretical path that François Laruelle walks between philosophy and non-philosophy. For Laruelle, the future of philosophy is problematic, but a mutation of its functions is possible. Up until now, philosophy has merely been a utopia concerned with the past and only provided the services of its conservation. We must introduce a rigorous and nonimaginary practice of a utopia in action, a philo-fiction—a close relative to science fiction. From here we can see the double meaning of the watchword, a tabula rasa of the future. This new destination is imposed by a specifically human messianism, an eschatology within the limits of the Man-in-person as antihumanist ultimatum addressed to the History of Philosophy. This book elucidates some of the fundamental problems of non-philosophy and takes on its detractors.
François Laruelle is professor emeritus at the University of Paris West Nanterre La Défence and the inventor of the science of philosophy, non-philosophy.
Drew S. Burk is a cultural theorist and translator of contemporary French philosophy.
Anthony Paul Smith is an Assistant Professor of Religion at La Salle University in Philadelphia.