Digital Energetics

Digital Energetics

Anne Pasek, Cindy Kaiying Lin, Zane Griffin Talley Cooper and Jordan B. Kinder

Exploring the connections between energy and media—and what those connections mean for our current moment

152 Pages, 5 x 7 in



Digital Energetics

Series: In Search of Media

Anne Pasek, Cindy Kaiying Lin, Zane Griffin Talley Cooper and Jordan B. Kinder

ISBN: 9781517915872

Publication date: May 23rd, 2023

152 Pages

3 black & white illustrations

7 x 5

"This inspiring, highly readable book positions energy as a core of any future media studies, any future sociology or political science, and any future material philosophy. It couldn’t be more timely."—Seán Cubitt, University of Melbourne

Exploring the connections between energy and media—and what those connections mean for our current moment

Energy and media are the entangled middles of social life—and also of each other. This volume traces the contours of both a media analytic of energy and an energy analytic of media across the cultural, environmental, and economic relations they undergird. Digital Energetics argues that media and energy require joint theorization—not only in their potential to universalize but also in the many contingent and intermeshed relations that they bind together across contemporary informational and fossil regimes. Focusing specifically on digital operations, the coauthors analyze how data and energy have jointly modulated the character of the materiality and labor of digital systems in a warming world.

Anne Pasek provides a brief energy history of the bit, tracing how the electrification and digitization of American computing propelled a turn toward efficiency as both a solution and instigator of parallel crises in the workforce and the climate. Zane Griffin Talley Cooper traces these concerns within cryptographic proof-of-work systems and the heat they necessarily produce and seek to manage. Following heat through the twinned histories of thermodynamics and information theory, he argues that such systems are best approached as a paradigmatic, rather than exceptional, example of computing infrastructures. Cindy Kaiying Lin focuses on the practical and political frictions created as database and management designs move from the Global North to South, illustrating how the energy constraints and software cultures of Indonesia open new spaces of autonomy within environmental governance. Finally, Jordan B. Kinder offers a theorization of “platform energetics,” demonstrating how public energy discourses and settler land claims are entangled in the digital infrastructures of data colonialism in Canada.

Anne Pasek is assistant professor and the Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture, and the Environment at Trent University.

Cindy Kaiying Lin is assistant professor in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University.

Zane Griffin Talley Cooper is a PhD candidate at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, a doctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Research on Global Communication, and a sustainability researcher in Intel’s Software and Advanced Technology Group.

Jordan B. Kinder (Métis) is a postdoctoral fellow at the Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University.