Rescue Me

Rescue Me

On Dogs and Their Humans

Margret Grebowicz

What exactly is it we want from dogs today?

80 Pages, 5 x 7 in



Rescue Me

On Dogs and Their Humans

Series: Forerunners: Ideas First

Margret Grebowicz

ISBN: 9781517914608

Publication date: August 16th, 2022

80 Pages

7 x 5

What exactly is it we want from dogs today?

This is a little book about the oldest relationship we humans have cultivated with another large animal—in something like the original interspecies space, as old or older than any other practice that might be called human. But it’s also about the role of this relationship in the attrition of life—especially social life—in late capitalism. As we become more and more obsessed with imagining ourselves as benevolent rescuers of dogs, it is increasingly clear that it is dogs who are rescuing us. But from what? And toward what? Exploring adoption, work, food, and training, this book considers the social as fundamentally more-than-human and argues that the future belongs to dogs—and the humans they are pulling along.

Margret Grebowicz is an associate professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. She is author of, most recently, Mountains and Desire: Climbing vs. the End of the World and Whale Song.