Learning versus the Common Core

Learning versus the Common Core

Nicholas Tampio

An open challenge to Common Core’s drive for uniformity

102 Pages, 5 x 7 in



Learning versus the Common Core

Series: Forerunners: Ideas First

Nicholas Tampio

ISBN: 9781517907792

Publication date: March 26th, 2019

102 Pages

7 x 5

An open challenge to Common Core’s drive for uniformity

Nicholas Tampio watched as his kindergartner’s class shifted from one where teachers, aides, parents, and students worked hard to create a rewarding educational experience to one in which teachers delivered hours-long lectures using packaged lesson plans. Learning versus the Common Core explains how standards-based education reform is transforming nearly every aspect of public education by looking closely at the standards, the agenda of people pushing standards-based reform, and how these fit within a global pattern of education reform. With a nod to the philosophy of John Dewey, Tampio concludes with a vision of what democratic education can look like today—and how people can form rhizomatic alliances across different political and ethical backgrounds to fight the Common Core.

Forerunners: Ideas First
Short books of thought-in-process scholarship, where intense analysis, questioning, and speculation take the lead

Nicholas Tampio is an associate professor of political science at Fordham University. He is author of Kantian Courage, Deleuze’s Political Vision, and Common Core.