The Uberfication of the University
The contemporary university’s implications for the future organization of labor
74 Pages, 5 x 7 in
- Paperback
- 9781517902124
- Published: August 17, 2016
- Series: Forerunners: Ideas First
- eBook
- 9781452954219
- Published: August 17, 2016
- Series: Forerunners: Ideas First
The Uberfication of the University
Series: Forerunners: Ideas First
ISBN: 9781517902124
Publication date: August 17th, 2016
74 Pages
7 x 5
Even after the 2008 financial crisis, neoliberalism has been able to advance its program of privatization and deregulation. The Uberfication of the University analyzes the emergence of the sharing economy—an economy that has little to do with sharing access to good and services and everything to do with selling this access—and the companies behind it: LinkedIn, Uber, and Airbnb. In this society, we all are encouraged to become microentrepreneurs of the self, acting as if we are our own precarious freelance enterprises at a time when we are being steadily deprived of employment rights, public services, and welfare support. The book considers the contemporary university, itself subject to such entrepreneurial practices, as one polemical site for the affirmative disruption of this model.
Forerunners is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital works. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.
Gary Hall is professor of media and performing arts at Coventry University. He is the author of Digitize This Book! (Minnesota, 2008), Pirate Philosophy, and Culture in Bits. He is founding coeditor of the peer-reviewed online journal Culture Machine and cofounder of the Open Humanities Press.