A Slave's Tale
The dynamic sequel to Hakon of Rogen’s Saga
A Slave's Tale
ISBN: 9780816681280
Publication date: September 14th, 2013
224 Pages
8 x 5
A Slave’s Tale, the sequel to Hakon of Rogen’s Saga, is told from the point of view of a slave girl, Helga, who stows away on the longship when Hakon, the young Viking chieftain, sets sail for France on a voyage to return Rark, a freed slave, to his homeland. The voyagers’ journey is perilous—they narrowly escape capture by an invading fleet, and their ship is severely damaged by a storm. Upon reaching France—where the Vikings are now hated, not feared—only tragedy ensues.
Erik Christian Haugaard (1923–2009) was a celebrated Danish author and translator of more than twenty critically acclaimed books for young readers, including The Samurai’s Tale, The Boy and the Samurai, and The Revenge of the Forty-Seven Samurai. His books have been awarded the American Library Association Notable Book Award, Jane Addams Award, and the Boston Globe Horn Book Award, among others.