Growing Roses in Cold Climates

Growing Roses in Cold Climates

Revised and Updated Edition

Richard Hass, Jerry Olson and John Whitman

272 Pages, 9 x 11 in

  • Paperback
  • 9780816675937
  • Published: February 14, 2012


Growing Roses in Cold Climates

Revised and Updated Edition

Richard Hass, Jerry Olson and John Whitman

ISBN: 9780816675937

Publication date: February 14th, 2012

272 Pages

10 x 8

"The descriptions of roses and how they should be treated in a severely cold climate are excellent." —American Gardener

This thoroughly updated edition of the landmark volume Growing Roses in Cold Climates includes:
• Accessible information on 875 varieties of roses best suited to cold climates
• New methods for protecting roses in winter
• Hundreds of new rose introductions, including disease-resistant and hardy varieties
• Five-star ratings to help you select top-performing roses

In addition to describing both organic and inorganic solutions to common rose problems, this volume also profiles twelve major classes of roses, complete with photographs and step-by-step guidelines on achieving ideal growing conditions.

Richard Hass is a volunteer coordinator for the Minnesota Rose Society. He has received awards from the American Rose Society and has been a rose judge since 2001.

Jerry Olson has grown roses for almost sixty years and judged them for the American Rose Society for more than three decades. He has written articles for the American Rose Society and the Minnesota State Horticultural Society.

John Whitman is a garden writer and photographer. He is the coauthor of Growing Perennials in Cold Climates and Growing Shrubs and Small Trees in Cold Climates, both recently published in new editions from the University of Minnesota Press.


Acknowledgments v
Introduction vii

Part I The Roses 1
I Individual Listings 3
Climbing Roses 5
Floribunda Roses 13
Grandiflora Roses (Floribunda Hybrid)
Tea Type Roses 23
Hybrid Musk Roses 29
Hybrid Tea Roses 36
Miniature and Miniflora Roses 47
Old Garden Roses 59
Rosa alba (Alba rose) 65
Bourbon rose 68
Rosa centifolia (Cabbage or Provence rose) 69
Rosa centifolia muscosa (Moss rose) 70
Rosa chinensis (China rose) 72
Rosa damascena (Damask rose) 72
Rosa foetida 74
Rosa gallica (Apothecary, French, or Provins rose) 74
Hybrid Perpetual rose 76
Miscellaneous roses 77
Noisette rose 77
Portland rose 77
Rosa spinosissima (Burnet or Scotch rose) 78
Tea rose 78
Polyantha Roses 79
Shrub Roses (Hybrid Shrub Roses) 85
Species (Wild) Roses 115
Tree Roses (Standards) 126

Part II The Basics of Growing Roses 135
2 Understanding Roses 137
How Roses Grow 137
Buying Roses 139

3 Selecting and Preparing a Site 143
Site and Light 143
Soil and Moisture 143
Spacing 150
Designing with Roses 150

4 Planting Roses 152
Buying Bare Root Plants 152
Preparing Bare Root Roses for Planting 154
Planting Bare Root Roses in Pots 156
Planting Bare Root Roses Directly in the Garden 157
Planting Bare Root Roses in the Fall 158
Planting Bare Root Tree Roses 159
Buying Potted Plants 163
Planting Potted Roses in the Garden 163
Growing Roses in Pots 164
Special Planting Decisions 165
Transplanting 165

5 Caring for Roses 169
Water 169
Mulch (Summer) 171
Fertilizing 173
Weeding 177
Staking 178
Pegging 179
Disbudding 179
Deadheading 180
Pruning 180
Winter Protection 185

6 Solving Rose-Growing Problems 194
Diseases and Insects 194
Special Problems and Idiosyncrasies 199
Marauders 201

7 Propagating Roses 203
Division 203
Air Layering 204
Ground Layering 204
Pegging 205
Cuttings 205
Root Cuttings 208
Budding 208
Seed and Hybridization 210

8 Special Uses for Roses 213
Cut Flowers 213
Potpourris (Sachets) 215
Dried Flowers 216
Roses as Food 217
Rose Water 217
Rosaries (Rose Beads), Jewelry, Art Objects 218

9 Tools and Supplies 219

Appendix A Insect and Disease Control 224
Appendix B Rose Culture Checklist 237
Glossary 239