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Answers to MMPI-2-RF questions regarding Administration, Scoring, Interpretation, Norms and Scales.

Administration, Scoring & Interpretation

What is required to purchase, administer and score the MMPI® test materials?

A Level "C" qualification is required to purchase MMPI® materials from Pearson Assessments, please see the user qualifications.

Are all MMPI-2-RF scales copyrighted?


Can I administer an “abbreviated” MMPI-2 test (first 370 items only) and get an MMPI-2-RF report?

No. The MMPI-2-RF is composed of items throughout the entire MMPI-2 test booklet.

Can the MMPI-2-RF Interpretive Report serve as a complete and independent psychological report on a client?

No. As noted on each report, the statements contained in the narrative represent a professional-to-professional consultation and do not serve as an independent or "stand–alone" report. The following notice appears in the MMPI-2-RF reports: “The interpretive report is intended for use by a professional qualified to interpret the MMPI–2–RF. The information it contains should be considered in the context of the test–taker’s background, the circumstances of the assessment, and other available information.”

Could I use the MMPI-2-RF instrument in light of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Civil Rights Act?

We cannot offer legal advice; we recommend that you seek the opinion of competent employment counsel to ensure that you obtain the most appropriate advice for your individual circumstances. The apparent impact of the ADA on the use of the MMPI-2-RF instrument relates to the timing of the administration. Because the MMPI-2-RF instrument appears to be classified as a medical examination under the ADA, it must be administered subsequent to a conditional offer of employment being tendered by an employer. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991 ("CRA") it is inappropriate to use tests with either race or sex norms in the employment domain. The MMPI-2-RF norms are not based on race or sex.

Are there tables in the MMPI-2-RF manuals converting MMPI-2 item ordering to MMPI-2-RF item ordering and vice versa?

Yes, in Appendix E of the MMPI-2-RF Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation (2008).


Norms and Scales

Does the MMPI-2-RF have different norms from the MMPI-2?

The MMPI-2-RF normative sample is drawn from the MMPI-2 normative sample and consists of 2,276 men and women, 1,138 of each gender, between the ages of 18 and 80 from several regions and diverse communities in the U.S. The MMPI-2-RF T scores are non-gendered and non-K-corrected. No new norms were collected for the MMPI-2-RF.

Are there norms for different cultures for the MMPI-2-RF test?

American minorities are included in the normative sample. There are no separate cultural norms.

What is the FBS-r (Symptom Validity) Scale?

The FBS-r (Symptom Validity) Scale provides information regarding non-credible symptom reporting and has been found particularly useful in neuropsychological assessments. For more information about the FBS-r Scale, visit here.

Are the Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales in the MMPI-2-RF the same as the RC Scales in the MMPI-2?

Yes, they are identical. For more information about the RC Scales, visit here.

Are the MMPI-2-RF T scores K-corrected?

No. Recently published research indicates that the K correction does not enhance validity and in some cases validity is actually attenuated by the K correction. Non-K-corrected T scores allow interpreters to examine the relative contributions of the Clinical Scale raw score and the K correction to K-corrected Clinical Scale T scores. This information may be particularly helpful when the K score deviates substantially from the average T-score range (<39 or >65).