
Toward a Medieval Poetics Toward a Medieval Poetics Paul Zumthor 1991 Fall
A major work of modern critical theory that is concerned with establishing the dynamics of textual production in the Middle Ages. Integrating knowledge in philosophy, history, sociology, and language, Zumthor produces a detailed synthesis that depicts the literary understanding during the historical period that laid the basis for modern literature.
Border Writing: The Multidimensional Text Border Writing The Multidimensional Text D. Emily Hicks 1991 Fall
A paradigmatic contribution to literary theory and interpretation out of the writings of Latin America.
The Politics of Editing The Politics of Editing Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens, Editors 1992 Spring
“This state-of-the-art commentary is always mindful of a rich and engaging editorial tradition and conscious, at the same time, of how recent theoretical models may affect, and direct, the editor’s task. . . . a most insightful, informative, and provocative study.” --Edward H. Friedman
Social Semiotics as Praxis: Text, Social Meaning Making, and Nabokov’s Ada Social Semiotics as Praxis Text, Social Meaning Making, and Nabokov’s Ada Paul J. Thibault 1990 Fall
Focusing on Nabokov's Ada, the author rescues semiotics from terminal formalism by developing a conception of social semiotics that is a form of both social action and political praxis.
Autobiography in Early Modern Spain Autobiography in Early Modern Spain Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens, Editors 1991 Spring
Close Encounters: Film, Feminism, and Science Ficiton Close Encounters Film, Feminism, and Science Ficiton Constance Penley, Elisabeth Lyon, Lynn Spigel and Janet Bergstrom, Editors 1990 Fall
Offers new critical approaches to science fiction as represented in film, television, fan culture, and other non-literary media. Addresses the way conventional notions of sexual difference are reworked by science fiction film. Includes the complete script of Peter Wollen’s 1987 film Friendship’s Death. Contributors: Raymond Bellour, Janet Bergstrom, Roger Dadoun, Harvey R. Greenberg, M.D., Henry Jenkins III, Enno Patalas, Constance Penley, Vivian Sobchak, Lynn Spigel, and Peter Wollen.
Childhood Childhood Jan Myrdal None None
He became the child his parents and their generation didn’t want.
Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature Terry Eagleton, Fredric Jameson and Edward W. Said 1990 Fall
Reading with Clarice Lispector Reading with Clarice Lispector Helene Cixous Verena Andermatt Conley, Editor 1990 Spring
The foremost French feminist literary critic pays homage to the premiere Latin American woman prose writer of this century.
Writings on Literature Writings on Literature N. S. Trubetzkoy Anatoly Liberman, Editor 1990 Spring
An illuminating introduction to the literary writings of one of the most influential scholars in the history of linguistics.
Oral Poetry: An Introduction Oral Poetry An Introduction Paul Zumthor 1990 Spring
A penetrating analytical study of the sources of orality and contemporary modes of poetic practice by a prominent literary theorist. Zumthor discusses the development of oral poetry from antiquity to the present.
Deadly Triplets: A Theatre Mystery and Journal Deadly Triplets A Theatre Mystery and Journal Adrienne Kennedy 1990 Spring
A surrealistic intertwining of mystery and autobiography set in the theatre world of 1960s London.
Narrative as Communication Narrative as Communication Didier Coste 1989 Fall
The first major treatise on narrative and narrative theory to make use of all the analytic tools developed in the last two decades.
Confessions of a Disloyal European Confessions of a Disloyal European Jan Myrdal None None
The Stream of Life The Stream of Life Clarice Lispector 1989 Spring
This novel is considered the greatest work of fiction by the Brazilian writer the New York Times Book Review called “the premier Latin American woman prose writer of this century.” An intense and lyrical work, it chronicles its female protagonist’s journey of self-discovery and self-affirmation. “Whether as novelist or short story writer, Lispector always seemed to be involved with the ambiguities of living, the pleasures derived from it as well as its tragic aspects.” --San Francisco Review of Books